Tips for a good wedding night

The wedding night is no longer what it was at the time of our grandparents, it is clear that few couples today marry without having had premarital sex. But this detail does not detract from that moment, because it is the first time you will sleep together in your new marital status, so in .com we give you some tips for a good wedding night, full of sensuality and enjoyment for both

Steps to follow:


Although it is the day of their marriage, a very important date for both, try not to get drunk at the place where they will spend their wedding night. A few drinks to disinhibit fall well, but too much alcohol can make them not even able to undress, so take it easy


If you are very exhausted during the reception do not hesitate to leave before to fully enjoy yourself, because finally that day is to celebrate their union and most importantly they are together


Girls take into account as seriously as they do with the dress or the hairstyle, the lingerie they will wear on the wedding night. Here you can find some examples and recommendations to choose the perfect intimate apparel for the occasion


Enjoy all the atmosphere that has been prepared for you. A good champagne, a spacious and comfortable bed, a bathroom that encourages the most erotic moments imaginable. Do not miss the opportunity to take advantage of this environment


This day more than ever give a fair space to sexual games, go little by little and enjoy indulging and pleasing yourself


Do not miss the opportunity to have a great experience on your wedding night, it will be a memory for a lifetime. Live the moment with intensity and enjoy it as a happy couple

  • Do not let alcohol, excesses or meddles interrupt your wedding night, live it to the fullest