How to excel at a party

When you are invited to a party, it is a good time to take advantage to make new friends and socialize a little. If you are a shy person, you have to try to put aside your inhibitions and dare to take the step to start a conversation with unknown people. The main thing is always to take care of your physical appearance to attract attention at first sight, but that is not all: a correct attitude during the night is what will lead you to achieve your goal. If you try to excel in a party, we give you a series of steps that you will succeed in becoming the soul of the party.

Get dressed and look handsome!

To attend a party where to cause a sensation, the first thing you must do is to fix yourself appropriately. First take a shower, depilate if you think it is necessary, apply a moisturizing mask on your hair and exfoliate your skin. Then shave your eyebrows and get the manicure and pedicure. Then apply a good body moisturizer and another facial moisturizer. Of course, you should also brush your teeth, your ears and put on deodorant. And it is that all this will give you more confidence in yourself, keeping you sure of your appearance during the evening.

In the case of girls, it is imperative that they then put on makeup. This makeup can be applied both to offer a natural look and to be noticed with a little more ornate, but always avoiding the vulgar. Finally do not forget to put a few drops of your favorite perfume, as well as dry your hair and comb for the occasion. The only thing that you will have to do afterwards will be to choose an appropriate outfit that reflects your style and with which you feel dazzling, trying that the colors combine harmoniously and choosing some accessories to complement your outfit .

Be natural and educated

Second, always remember to be natural to others at the party. Although you never forget that there are basic social manners that you must respect, a protocol that will show your good education and give you points when it comes to meeting people. Also remember that you should not disrespect any of the guests at any time, and show yourself with confidence even though nerves can take over those people who tend to be more timid in these situations. If you think it is necessary, you can use a small glass of wine to calm yourself down, but never abuse the alcohol because that way you will only stain your image and instead of excelling at the party, you will most likely get the opposite effect.

Attitude during conversations

When you start conversations with other guests to meet people, show interest in them by asking them questions about their lives and looking them in the eye during your talk, but always respecting their privacy and not inquiring about personal issues. In fact, the most appropriate thing is to focus on superfluous and general issues to go little by little creating an approach that breaks any discomfort or fear of the unknown. In addition you have to be friendly and always have at the disposal of others a sincere smile: bet that if you present yourself as a nice person, cordial and educated others will be interested in talking to you to meet you.

Other tips

On the other hand, telling funny anecdotes can integrate you into conversations with other guests, and you can also help with really funny jokes (preferably if they are not in bad taste), because in this way the different groups will approach you to listen and you will notice for good, calling his attention.

You can also choose to do something totally unexpected, such as throwing yourself in the pool with your clothes on, dancing with ease or making a toast out loud for the reason that the party has been called. However be cordial, with good taste and wit, and always avoid looking desperate to be the center of attention, because that can give a pathetic impression on you and cause the opposite effect of what you want.