How to know if I should get married

Have you asked for a marriage and doubts have arisen? Sometimes it happens that being very much in love, you plan to take another step in the relationship, but before that commitment, doubts and uncertainty begin to nest in your head: will it be the right person? Before taking any step you must be completely sure if your current partner is truly the person with whom you want to spend the rest of your life, share everything, be happy at your side. In the following .com article you will find the keys on how to know if you should get married, if the time has come and above all the person to take this important step. Think about it!

Steps to follow:


It is very important to know a person thoroughly before sharing the rest of your life with her, this is one of the most basic aspects before deciding to go through the altar. Have you lived together? If the answer is affirmative and the thing has gone well, there is no doubt that you are probably made for each other. But if you have not yet tried it or coexistence has become difficult, it will be one of the reasons why you should think it over. It is the most complicated, to cope with a relationship, live with all the virtues, all the defects and all the manias with respect, love and love.


Obviously, the character of your partner is important when deciding to take a step like that, as it was, sure, to fall in love. If in your relationship there is affection, respect and a sense of humor, success will be assured. But it is also important to check if he cares about you, if he listens to you, if he supports you if he knows your feelings and knows how to lead them. If you express what you feel, what interests you and what you think without harming you. All these aspects are important to decide if it is the man or woman with whom you want to share the rest of your life.


Marriage is not easy and you will go through many complicated moments. Do you know how to overcome them altogether? Ask yourself this question. Reflect, too, on whether you have the same purpose in life, if you wish to build a future together. In having the same objectives we do not mean to have the same job or perform the same activities, but in if you want to form a family, in what house you want to live, where do you want to travel, if you want to save or enjoy, how do you want to live, if it is the moment or not to have a pet ...

Although they seem very basic things can be some points of discussion. To know if you should marry this person, you must discover if all these issues involved in the marriage can work, beyond being in love.


To know if you should get married, it is very important that you respect your space . As we have said, having common goals does not mean always doing the same, in fact, quite the opposite: it is very important that both of you have your moments of freedom, of relief, your small individual space and more important is that you respect them.


Sincerity and communication are two basic requirements that you must meet before getting married. Never stay with the "could have done", talk about what you want to do, what you need, what you feel, what you want ... It is very important that you be honest with each other, always. If your relationship has been built on these bases, nothing can go wrong in your marriage.

Here we give you 11 signs that show that he is the man of your life.


Sometimes one plus one are more. Do you get along well with your family and friends? This aspect is just as important as all the others. Not only to become your husband or wife will mean getting along with the whole family, but when you get married, you are not only committing yourself to your partner, but also to your environment. Are you prepared to withstand the tensions that can occur? And most important, will you go to one?

Reflecting on the subject can make you resolve some doubts, although deep down you should also be aware that your life and your family will end up forming with your partner, so do not let too many external people get in your relationship.


Sexuality and its importance in marriage. As you know , sex is one of the pillars for a relationship to work properly. If you have already had intimate relationships before going through the altar or if you have not yet done so, you should speak openly on the subject. In addition to like and find sex as something pleasant between the two, discover the fantasies you want to make, communicate and above all respect. With the marriage the routine can arrive and with the years the physical changes. Are you willing to keep the flame of passion alive?


To know if you should marry, it is important to be clear about having the same values ​​or limits. Although generally these quarrels can appear when it comes to educating a child, it is important that you abide by the same rules, since all this will influence your coexistence and contribute to improve your relationship and your marriage.


You have not married and you already think about divorce? Then it is more than clear that you are not yet ready to take that step. Be careful, you should always think about these issues and be careful when signing the marriage contract, but that is very different from always thinking that it will not work, that at any time you will leave it, that discussions are frequent or not. there are more alternatives than separating.

All this shows that your relationship is not safe and that it is probably not worth it to bet on it, since you do not have the intention to fight against complications. If you are not 100% sure to take this step, do not give it .