How to prepare an original wedding dance

Cha Cha Cha, tango, sevillanas, merengue ... there are countless dance styles so that the bride and groom have to choose then the typical waltz when dancing for the first time as husband and wife. If you have a preference for another style, surprise your guests and prepare an original wedding dance . In this article we show you how to do it.

The favorite dance

The simplest thing is to look for a style of dance that pleases both, so it will be much easier to prepare it and, of course, much more fun. This can also serve as an excuse to learn something we have always liked. Surely there are several styles of dance that you stayed with the desire to know how to dance.


One of the most special parts of all dance is music. Once you have chosen what to dance, it is best to look for songs of that style. You can choose one that means something special or if you have a friend composer, you can ask him to compose a song for the dance and hire someone to play the music live.


If what you are looking for is to be original and surprise the guests, there is nothing like changing clothes and dressing according to what you are going to dance. Above all, it will be much easier for the bride if she chooses a short dress that is lighter than the wedding dress. For example, if you are going to dance sevillanas, it will be very good for her to choose a long skirt with ruffles; whereas if it is a cha cha cha, the short and fringed dresses will go great.

The choreography

In case you are not expert dancers, the most convenient thing is that you join a dance academy and take private lessons. Nowadays, in many they prepare choreographies for the wedding dance. In addition, these classes will serve to relieve tensions weeks before the big day.