How to prepare a Queimada for Halloween

La Queimada is a traditional drink of the night of San Juan, but in recent years it has also been included in typical Halloween drinks, for its brightness and its relationship with witches . If you are not too afraid and want to add a traditional touch to your Halloween party, try a Queimada! The queimada is original from Galicia, and its main ingredient is brandy, so it is recommended to use a Galician brandy like the classic Orujo, although if you want you can give it an original touch using another different aguardiente like the Antioqueño Aguardiente. Use the aguardiente that you use for your queimada, the important thing is that you take all the possible precautions. It is a preparation with fire and, therefore, we must be careful and prevent children from getting too close. A well done queimada is spectacular and will allow you to enjoy an excellent Halloween night, do you dare?

You will need to:
  • Aguardiente (Galician pomace)
  • Fine white sugar
  • Lemon rinds
  • Some coffee beans
Steps to follow:


In a wide earthenware pot pouring brandy and sugar in the proportion of about 120 grams of sugar / liter of brandy, add the other ingredients and stir.


Pick up, with the ladle, a small amount of queimada (only the brandy and the dissolved sugar), wet the edges of the ladle with the drink and set it on fire . When it starts to burn put the ladle into the large container until the fire spreads over the entire surface.


Then stir slowly leaving the flames of the marc to rise and creating waterfalls with them, so that it is more showy and the witches come. The waterfalls can be obtained by taking the food with the ladle and pouring it on the container.


Now sugar is added to the ladle only and placed on the flames of the queimada so that they melt and turn into syrup, pour over the flames and stir.


Remove until the queimada is turned off by itself, or only the burning edges remain, which should not be extinguished.


When the fire of the queimada begins to lose vigor, but the brandy still burns, the "hiding" is recited (also called conmauro of the queimada). You can see it full below.


The queimada is served hot, when it is almost turned off, adding the coffee beans, the lemon peel, the pieces of apple and orange. Sometimes you have to blow to extinguish some of the flames that the glass, to not burn you.


Next, you should read the " Conmauro de la Queimada ", to invoke the magic of the witches! Here we attach the original Conxo:


Mouchos, curuxas, toads and bruxas.Demos, goblins and diabies, spirits of neboadas veigas.Corvos, píntegas e meigas: feitizos das menciñeiras.Podres canned fired, fogar two vermes and vermin.Lume das Santas Compañas, bad ollo, black meigallos, cheiro dos mortos, tronos e raios.Ouveo do can, pregón da morte, fuciño do satir e pé do coello.Pecadora lingua da mala muller married cun home vello.Averno de satan e Beelcebú, lume two ardent bodies, mutilated corpse two indecent, huidos dos infernais cus, muxido gives sea raging.Bariga useless da muller solteira, falar two cats that walk to xaneira, guedella porca gives goat wrong parida.Con this fol rose the chame deste lume that similar to or do Inferno, e fuxirán as bruxas to cabalo das súas vasoiras, índose bathe na praia das gordas.Oíde, oíde! The ruxes that give as they can not deixar to burn not august being thus purified. When this beberaxe baixe polas nos gorxas, we will be free two evils of soul soul of all embruxamento.Forzas do ar, terra, mar e lume, a vós phago this chamada: it is true that you have more power than to human xente, eiquí e agora, facede that espíritos two friends who are fóra, share with us this queimada.

  • Have rags by hand. The fire of the Queimada can jump, and with the rags you can suffocate the fire before it spreads.
  • Do not make the queimada near any combustible element, and do not let the children approach. Enjoy the show at a safe distance.