How to decongest a dog's nose

Do you want to know how to clean your dog's nose ? Well then we are going to give you some tips so that the nose of your pet is in perfect condition. The truth is that dogs live most of their experiences through their snout: they greet their friends, they explore, they investigate and, in short, it is their main sense to know all the strange things that surround them. But dogs are the fruit of their curiosity, put their noses in inappropriate or dangerous places and a seed or a virus can end up congesting or inflaming the area. As a result, your dog will suffer a sinus infection of the skull called sinusitis . It is not something serious but it is advisable to remedy it. In .com we tell you how to decongest the nose of your dog.

Steps to follow:


Sinusitis is not a serious problem and usually remit spontaneously. But, while it is solved, your dog will have snoring, a runny nose and a lot of sneezing, so the best thing to do is to take action and see how to decongest your dog's nose to avoid unnecessary discomfort.

One of the first tips we can try to clear your pet's nose is to give it a warm dish . Prepare a good and tasty food will not only be a pleasure for your child but the heat will be key to uncover the breasts that are covered because, thus, facilitate breathing. A good idea is to prepare a soup and add it to your bowl of feed. You can also heat your dog's wet food a little and give it to him to eat.

In we tell you how to treat your dog's cold.


Another tip to manage to uncover your dog's nose is to improve its feeding. Generally, when an animal has sinusitis it tends to lose its appetite so you will have to strengthen your immune system so that it recovers completely. Therefore, you must tempt him with a delicious menu to make it irresistible and you will get all the necessary nutrients for the health of your dog.

Apart from the food, you should clean your nose . Sinusitis causes a high accumulation of mucus in the nostrils, is very annoying and also complicate the breathing of your pet so take a soft cloth moistened with warm water and eliminate all secretions. It is also recommended that you gently rub the area. If your nose is peeled or slightly irritated, clean gently; You can use baby wipes with some soothing lotion like aloe vera.


A good way to get the nose to open is by making the steam rise. Make the atmosphere moisten and you will see that the membranes will be relieved of irritation and the clogged breasts will be decongested. If your dog has the habit of going to the bathroom with you while you shower, let him stay inside because the steam will make it better and much better.

You can also plug in the electric vaporizer to moisten the air. Add a few drops of menthol to the water and the result will be even better because this plant has a powerful soothing effect and decongests the sinuses. You can also choose a cold water humidifier to relieve irritation of the mucosa.

A final solution to end congestion of your dog's nose is to put drops of sterile saline solution. This will help to unclog the nose, relieve irritation and decrease secretions. You will only have to tilt the head and pour a couple of drops in each hole.


Although it is usually considered that sinusitis is not serious, in certain cases, it may be a sign of a bacterial infection . If your dog has thick and transparent mucus, fever and you notice lethargic, immediately go to the vet. The most normal thing is to prescribe some type of antibiotic or drugs for the infection.

We always like to remember that you do not self-medicate your pet on your own and without supervision. If you have any doubt, call a professional for the health of your dog.