How to celebrate my wedding anniversary with little money

The wedding anniversary is a very beautiful moment for the couple . Celebrating the day you got married is an opportunity to do something special and different. Depending on the money you have, you can organize an event in a big way or something simpler. In this article, we show you how to celebrate your wedding anniversary with little money .

Romantic picnic

You can organize a very special day with little money to celebrate your wedding anniversary . We suggest you spend a day in the country, near your city. For this he prepares a complete picnic with a bottle of wine, some plastic cups; to eat, a salad with prawns, a table of pates and cheeses, Iberian ham with colines, smoked salmon, etc., and a dessert cake. Stretch a large tablecloth on the floor and put all the dishes and foods as a snack, open the wine and pour it into the glasses. Put one on each side of the plates. Also take a speaker and plug it to the mp3 to play romantic music in the background, you will make the atmosphere more intimate and special.


For the gift, a letter saying what you feel and a photo of your wedding day or a honeymoon in a beautiful setting, is a safe bet, which will also give you the opportunity to remember that day and talk about the things that They passed. After eating, pick up everything and go for a walk by the hand. If you have the option, go to the place where you promised yourself, where you gave the first kiss or a special place for you.

End of the day

When you get home, you can surprise your partner, ask someone to help you and prepare your home with candles, rose petals, and a relaxing bath with a bottle of champagne, so it will be a surprise for him / her and so you give yourself a tribute . Then, prepare a dinner between the two, get handsome, as if you were going to a luxury restaurant, and end the night dancing in the living room with your favorite song.