What is the difference between heat and temperature

In our daily life it is very common to confuse concepts that have been associated throughout history, such as heat and temperature . They are concepts that have mixed their meaning in some way using them with total normality, however they have quite important differences. If you are curious, we show you what is the difference between heat and temperature .

Steps to follow:


What is known as heat is the form of energy that is transmitted or transferred between different bodies that are at different temperatures. However, in thermodynamics, heat is simply the transfer of energy. On the other hand, the temperature would be the measure of the heat of a body . Therefore, it is only a measure of molecular energy, while heat is the energy of the displacement of molecules of an element.


Considering the above, heat is the factor responsible for increasing or decreasing the temperature of a body.


When heat enters a body, heating occurs. Likewise, when it comes out, cooling occurs. So, it should be noted that the coldest objects also have heat, because the truth is that inside, the atoms are also moving, smaller or greater.


Also, it should also be noted that size is also important. If the object is larger, it will have more heat. For example, if we take a glass and a bucket of water, it is possible that both have the same temperature. However, the bucket of water will have more heat because it has much more water than the glass and therefore, more total thermal energy .


If we take two objects with the same temperature and put them in contact, we will not get any energy transfer, because the average energy of their particles is exactly the same. However, if the temperature of one of these objects is considerably higher, we can be sure that there will be a transfer of energy from that object that presents more temperature to the other.