Compatibility between Aries and Sagittarius: couple, friendship, work

Aries and Sagittarius are two signs of fire that have a high compatibility, both in the sentimental level, as in the friendship and work. United create a combination full of strength, energy and vitality; Both are very enterprising, adventurous and passionate, which makes them complement each other perfectly and result in an almost explosive union. The great motivation that they get to transmit to each other makes them capable of achieving great things together in life and enjoying to the maximum each plan and objective that they propose. If you want to know about the compatibility between Aries and Sagittarius in different areas, keep reading this article from.

Aries and Sagittarius: couple

Aries and Sagittarius as two good fire signs that are living all their relationships with intensity and passion, something that is also reflected in the love field. They present a strong compatibility in love, and that is that from the first moment they start a relationship they understand each other perfectly, share interests and hobbies, feel happy together and, most importantly, enjoy a mutual trust that arises totally spontaneously. Both one and the other are independent, sincere and loyal, very important characteristics for them in a couple, so the understanding between them is excellent and they do not feel compelled or forced to stay together, it is a completely natural, spontaneous union and desired.

In the sexual field, they are two very compatible signs; Both Aries and Sagittarius are good lovers in bed, very passionate and surprising. Both detest routine and monotony, so they form the perfect combination to have a lot of fun in sex trying new exciting practices.

But, and when do the main conflicts between an Aries and Sagittarius couple arise? Although they seem to be made for each other, as we show below, there are situations in which their personalities can clash with intensity:

  • Both are very sincere and say things as they think, something that will lead them to star in big and strong discussions, saying things that probably regret later. Here the crudity of Aries intersects with the sarcasm of Sagittarius.
  • Neither of them is very given with the administration of personal finances and both are prone to buy compulsively, so the bad management in the economic plane are another of the main reasons for their discussions.
  • They also do not like to spend time carrying out household tasks and this becomes a common point of disagreement between them.
  • If there is something that the Aries do not tolerate in a couple it is infidelity not being willing to forgive her, so in this sense Sagittarius must be very careful, because it could be more than enough reason to end the relationship.
  • On the other hand, the Sagittarians do not support the lie, reason why Aries must be very safe to blame to Sagittarius of infidelity, since if it treats it of sincere little it could end up losing it of definitive way.

Despite all these points of disagreement, neither of them is very spiteful, so they generally manage to overcome their conflicts and reconcile quickly. In conclusion, it is a really promising couple.

Aries and Sagittarius: friendship

In addition to the sentimental level, Aries and Sagittarius are compatible in friendship and can become great friends. The main reason is that both are cheerful and fun and get reflected in each other, which makes it easier to build a relationship with excellent communication and great understanding.

Both Sagittarius and Aries are passionate about discovering new things, living thousands of adventures, being rebellious and experimenting with new emotions, so both will find in each other the perfect companion to travel, travel the world, go to parties, make thousands of different activities and plans, etc.

In the moments that are together, the fun and laughter are assured, because both have a great sense of humor. In fact, with his wit and pranks, Aries is able to make Sagittarius fall to the ground and wallow in fits of laughter at any time.

In any case, they may also have occasional riffs and arguments on more than one occasion, although many times even these anger will be intellectually interesting.

Aries and Sagittarius: work

In the workplace, it turns out that Aries and Sagittarius also form a good team. They can work together easily and achieve great things, since both are able to bring out the best capabilities and intellectual qualities of the other.

Aries is a great motivator and will help Sagittarius to come out with his most ambitious projects and will encourage him to follow the path even though this presents difficulties, and that is that Arians are also very determined and dominant. For their part, the Sagittarians are more tolerant and they get the Aries to moderate their energy and learn to focus on those things of more relevance.

However, Aries should not be overriding being authoritarian, because this is something that Sagittarius detests and that may trigger in more than one conflict or work problem, although without great consequences and effects on the excellent relationship that both maintain.