How and when will I die

This is one of the most typical questions we ask in life. No doubt knowing how and when we are going to die would generate a certain relief but at the same time would put in check the balance of the human being. In this article we are going to explain to you why we ask ourselves how and when we are going to die and if in some way it is possible to answer this question. The interesting thing of the article is to look for a line of thought that helps us to enjoy life, not to think about death.

It is possible to know when and how I am going to die

No, in a scientific way it is not possible to know, therefore any tool you find online that tells you the day you are going to die is a scam and they just want to take your email. Do not pay attention to these websites, they will cheat you.

Read the hand

One of the most typical ways to know the time you are going to live is to read the lines of the hand, normally it is done with the line of the right hand and the line of life is the one closest to the big toe of the hand . The line of life shows what kind of life you have, how long your life will be and how your quality of life will be. A lifeline close to the thumb indicates chronic fatigue, while a curved line indicates a large amount of energy. A long, deep line indicates a vital and healthy life.

How will I die

There is no way to know how I am going to die, what we can do is reduce the chances of dying of a disease, this can be achieved with a balanced diet, playing sports, walking every day at least one hour, for example on the beach, and above all, being happy.

The moment of dying

Some studies say that the moment before dying is a return to essence, back to what we were energy. Other believers in religions have the opinion that we become spiritual energy and our body dies but our soul goes further. In any case, the moment before dying seems a moment of peace and tranquility that accompanies us.

  • Scientifically it is not proven that there is any way of knowing how and when we are going to die.