How to use a finger rosary

The rosaries of fingers also called rosary rings, allow you to pray using only your thumb and forefinger. You can use the ring while driving or perform other tasks with both hands. The rosaries fingers are also more durable than the traditional ones, since they do not have delicate chains that can break and having no spheres, it is safer to use it around the hands of a baby or the legs of a cat. However, because they do not have the traditional form of a rosary, you must use a slightly different technique when praying with them.

Steps to follow:


Put the rosary ring on the index finger of your dominant hand. Push down until you are not in danger of falling, but not so far, so you can easily turn it. A good position to try at first, is to place it under your knuckle.


Make the Sign of the Cross. Touch the forehead, the heart to the left and right of the chest, while saying: "In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen."


Turn the rosary so that your thumb touches the crucifix. Pray the Apostles' Creed, followed by the Our Father.


Turn the rosary right if you are right-handed and left if you are left-handed, until your thumb touches the spheres three spaces away from the cross. Pray the Hail Mary


Move your thumb lightly on the index finger, closer to the crucifix. Press gently with your thumb so that the grain is in a comfortable position. Move your finger to the left of the rosary if you are right-handed and to the right if you are left-handed, so the crucifix will be closer to your thumb. Pray a second Hail Mary.


Move your thumb to the next count and press down gently as you did before. Pray the Hail Mary three times. Move your thumb towards the crucifix and press down. Pray the Glory.


Keep your thumb on the crucifix and announce the first mystery. For example, if you are praying the Glorious Mysteries, where you would say: "The first glorious mystery is the Resurrection of our Lord." Pray the Our Father while meditating on the mystery.


Move your thumb to the right, closer to the crucifix grain if you are right-handed and the left of the cross if you are left-handed. Push down as he did while praying the three Hail Mary. Pray a Hail Mary while continuing to meditate on the mystery.


Continue rotating the rosary in this way, praying a Hail Mary in each account. When the crucifix arrives, say the Gloria instead of a Hail Mary. If you wish, you can also pray the Fatima Prayer / Oh my Jesus after the Glory, although this is not necessary.


Announce the following mystery Pray and meditate on the mystery as he did with the previous one. Continue until you have completed the five mysteries of the day.


Pray God save you, Holy Queen, while touching the crucifix after the fifth and last Glory or Prayer of Fatima. Make the Sign of the Cross. With this concludes the rosary. If you prefer to say another series of mysteries, simply continue with the next group without saying God save you, Queen.

  • Traditionally, Catholics pray the Joyful Mysteries on Mondays and Saturdays, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesdays and Fridays, the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesdays and Sundays and the Luminous Mysteries on Thursday.
  • There are a variety of topics for meditation, while praying the first three Hail Marys. Some ask Mary to pray for them in their role as the daughter of the Father, mother of the Son and wife of the Holy Spirit in each account. Others ask for the virtues of faith, hope and charity, and others simply pray for their personal needs or for the prayers of the Pope (Reference 1). Any of these are acceptable.
  • In a traditional rosary, you can track the mystery you are praying by checking which set of accounts you are currently carrying out. With a finger rosary, there is only one set of accounts of the five mysteries. This makes it especially important to meditate on the mysteries of the rosary with your fingers so as not to lose track of where you are.