How to treat an angry Scorpio

With a strong and intense character, the Scorpio are defined as reserved and cautious people. Although they have a huge heart, they usually become quickly outraged by everything they do not like, do not suit them or do not care. If you are near a Scorpio and do not know how to handle their anger, in .com we give you some advice. In the next article you will learn how to treat an angry Scorpio . Of course, if a child of Scorpio is angry, it is best to let time pass and everything is placed in its proper place. Take note!

Steps to follow:


Although Scorpios have a very strong character and difficult to carry, there is a characteristic in them that is worthy of praise: self-control . This causes that their annoyances are not evident of first and that they take their bad humor inside. In this article we tell you how the Scorpio are so you can understand their character a bit better.


Those born under the influence of this water sign do not lose their temper but they will stop talking when they feel offended or angry. Silence is the greatest weapon for a Scorpio, as well as ignorance towards the person who has made him angry.


If a Scorpio person is angry, do not expect a reaction at the moment. Most likely, you do not immediately perceive that you are angry or dissatisfied with you. However, this zodiacal sign is characterized by being very spiteful and vengeful, so pay attention because at any time you will want to hurt your feelings, just as he has felt it.

Discover how Scorpios are in friendship by reading this article from.


To detect that a Scorpio is angry, look at its physiognomy, that is, how it changes its face. If you feel offended, jealous or angry, you will emit subtle signs of anger. Between them, press your lips, slightly raise your eyebrows, look away or keep your gaze lost towards the horizon for a long time, between its sepulchral silence .


On the other hand, before Scorpio explodes because of his monumental anger, he will retire from the scene, which will let you know, too, that this person has become angry and very angry. Therefore, we do not recommend that you wait for a reaction but let it recover, because the intensity of the anger is such that its duration is short.


Of course, remember that Scorpio is the most strategic zodiac sign so it can take up to years to forgive or forget, depending on the severity of the anger. To treat an angry Scorpio you should take out all your kindness, understanding and respect so that he can see that your repentance is true.


Apologize but do not do it at the time of the fight because your anger may increase. It is very difficult to win the battle to a Scorpio, so you should lower yourself a bit if you want this sign to forgive you. On the other hand, you should bear in mind that their resentment will make them not easily forget what happened and that they may continue to reproach you over time.


Let him retire and do not follow him. It's better that way. If the discussion continues, Scorpio will lose its tight grip and can be very hard on you. Try not to show yourself angry, too, for this will provoke a new schism.


Be subtle and skillful before approaching Scorpio and let him regain his calm and self-control before apologizing. Try not to stoke the confrontation, do not reproach or put your fingers in the wound if you do not want to get angry again.