How to have lucid dreams

Lucid dreams are those in which the dreamer is aware that he is dreaming. This type of dreams can be had spontaneously or working and training hard to achieve it. If you are interested in knowing more about this topic, in this article we show you how to have lucid dreams .

Steps to follow:


During our day to day, we must try to cultivate the differentiation between reality and dream. For this, it is good to ask ourselves often if we are dreaming, not falling into routine acts and realizing that these small details can be key when identifying a lucid dream .


In this training to achieve lucid dreams, it is also very important to reserve a few minutes to wake up to try to remember what we dreamed. All this we will write down in a dream journal, which is, without a doubt, one of the most important steps to achieve lucid dreams. This practice helps us identify recurring elements in our dreams . Also, we are also acquiring a routine forcing our brain to remember.


The resting place must be a sanctuary. It seems obvious that sleeping is done in a quiet environment. However, many people use the bedroom as a workplace, which somewhat disturbs the feeling of relaxation and peace in this room.


You have to find the best time to have a lucid dream. At least in those who are practicing how to get them it is advisable to look for the most appropriate occasion. These dreams are very much related to REM sleep, this phase is much more abundant just before we wake up.


There are some techniques to get a lucid dream quite useful, such as the MILD of Induction of Lucid Mnemonic Sleep by Stephen Laberge. This technique advises us to set the alarm for 4 and a half hours, 6 or 7 and a half hours after going to sleep. Once we wake up we will have to remember the dream, cuddle up again and imagine that in that dream we realized that we were dreaming. Then we will go to sleep again.


It is also important to know how to identify a lucid dream while being inside . We can, for example, look at a digital clock observing if its time is constant. We can also look at a text, look the other way and look again to see if it has changed. The mirrors can also be quite revealing, if we look at each other in a dream, surely our reflection will be a bit blurry.


The most important thing in this learning phase is not to demoralize, and that is that there are people who take years to master this technique, and many never manage to have a lucid dream caused. So, let's try to take it easy.