How to have good manners at the table

In a family dinner or a social event it is important to know how to keep the forms on the table . Also on special dates such as a baptism, wedding, appointment or request for hand meals are an important time where having good manners is important to please and show respect to family and / or friends who accompany you at the table. There are some tips that I can give you and that if you continue you will give an excellent impression to your table companions.

Steps to follow:


You should not support the body on the table NEVER and you should always have your arms in sight, it is not "appropriate" to put them under the table or on the legs. It is also not correct to support the elbows on the table, nor to pass the arm over the neighbor's plate.


Do not eat with your hands, unless they are products that require it (like olives, potato chips, chocolates, etc.).


In the case of the position and use of cutlery. There is a small protocol on how to use the cutlery, by which, we can know if the diner has made a stop or has finished his meal. It depends on the placement of the cutlery, keeping in mind that, once they touch the food, they should not leave the plate.


Silverware should go to the mouth, not the other way around. If you do not know how to use cutlery to eat certain products (for example, prawns, oysters, etc.) it is better to avoid eating them.


It is polite to eat slowly, eat with your mouth closed and not talk with food in your mouth.


To indicate that we are making a stop at a spoon meal, we will leave the spoon at three o'clock, and to mark that we have finished eating, we will place it together at six o'clock.


In relation to the knife or fork, if we stop for a moment and then continue tasting, we must place them in a position parallel to the six, and to show the purpose we will place them at six o'clock. Crossed cutlery will never be placed on the plate, nor will it be placed on the plate in the form of an oar.


Never take a cup of coffee to teaspoons, or leave the spoon inside.


When finished it should be left as it is, it is not necessary to bend it or wrinkle it.


In the case of a more formal celebration, diners should avoid topics such as politics, religion, sex and football. The conversation is also a symptom of good manners.

  • The most correct and appropriate in any situation, as a guest, is to act with common sense, good education, natural posture and take into account the customs or traditions of the country where you are.
  • It is not advisable to talk about diseases, exhaustively detail our ailments, stop at rude or scatological issues.