How are the Libra

Those born between September 23 and October 22 belong to the most balanced and civilized zodiac sign, although they do not like to be contradicted at all. Sensibility arise, they are lovers of the beautiful and harmonious, so sometimes they may lack authority because of their desire to be good with others. If you want to know more about this sign of air, we will explain how the Libra are.

General characteristics of the Libra

People born under the sign Libra stand out for their sense of justice and the fact of always trying to be as impartial as possible, something that can sometimes lead to indecision. The Libra love beauty and usually enjoy great sensitivity, but they hate routine because they are very curious.

They also do not like being contradicted, they will defend their position or opinion firmly but always trying to be as diplomatic as possible and getting well with everyone.

How Librans are at work

In the work environment, Libra can take advantage of their impartiality to mediate in complicated situations and try to resolve conflicts . They are able to assess the effort of others and are very fit for teamwork. In decision-making, the power of the Libra to weigh all the options will also be important.

Some may say that people of the Libra sign are vague or do not like to work; This is not the case, but they need motivation to work. It costs a little more than the rest to start doing things or start new projects and professional challenges. They just need a little push to adapt well to the changes and be brave enough to face new opportunities.

How Librans are in love and passionate relationships

Again, your sense of balance will make the Librans become great friends, who are very good at listening and always in the place of others. In the same way, it should be noted that Libra people do not like being alone at all, so they will be very sociable and will always try to be good with others.

To seduce a Libra, you must be very sociable yourself and make her feel loved, so you must take care of even the smallest detail. If you want to know if you are compatible in the intimacy with this sign, consult our article which are the sexually compatible signs with Libra, and if you are interested in knowing more about it in the sentimental level and find out if you are congenial, we invite you to read the article How is it Libra in love.