How Virgos are

Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiacal wheel and governs those born between August 24 and September 23. It is a sign that stands out for rationality and wisdom, because they are people who tend to analyze everything and channel their energy towards the logical. They are also delicate, reserved, methodical, responsible and loyal in their love and personal relationships. If you want to know more about this zodiac sign and discover its most remarkable features, read the following article about how Virgos are .

General characteristics of the Virgo

The great capacity for criticism is one of the features that most differentiates Virgo from the rest of the signs of the zodiac. They tend to be people who are driven by logic and reason, so most of their decisions are governed by common sense rather than passion and the heart. Likewise, they do not feel comfortable with improvised situations, they love planning and feel that everything is under control to be safe.

In general terms, Virgos have a serious, reserved, disciplined, conscientious but also delicate and cautious character. Sometimes they can seem cold people because they find it difficult to establish close relationships and are afraid to let themselves be carried away by their feelings. Even so, when they feel comfortable, they are kind, funny, good counselors and very sensible. Good sense is another of Virgo's strengths, they have a special ability to transfer and get their clear opinion to third parties, especially when it comes to solving problems that affect third parties.

The Virgos are passionate about learning and studying and have a great ability for oratory and writing. In addition, they love order and cleanliness in the home, because they feel that their life will be healthier and more structured.

How Virgos are at work

As for work and the world of work, Virgos are extremely demanding, methodical and responsible. They offer quick solutions to everything that is asked or proposed and they are able to organize and plan any project or activity. In addition, they are perfectionists and perform the work in an elaborate and thorough manner. They perform well in the field of medicine, literature, history, and can be very good practicing as pedagogues, librarians, statisticians and even in mechanics and work related to the motor.

At the economic level they also take care of the details and are savers and excellent administrators.

How Virgos are in love and personal relationships

In love, the Virgo are affectionate, loyal and good husbands. However, they are somewhat distrustful and are prudent and reflective when choosing a partner. Seducing a Virgo can be a bit complicated, they have a hard time trusting people but when they fall in love they give themselves totally to their partner and they like to please her and make her feel good. Of their average orange, they value above all the security and stability that can bring and do not tolerate disloyalty or infidelity. If you want to know which signs are compatible with Virgo in privacy, see our article.

As for personal relationships, Virgo people are great friends, they do everything in their power to help and solve the problems of their close people. They are very familiar and care a lot about their health and that of others.