How the Maya dressed

The Mayan civilization has inhabited areas of America, especially Mexico, for many years. Nowadays there are still tribes that keep all their traits and characteristics, it was a civilization dedicated to agriculture, hence their clothing would encourage such activity. In case you still do not know and would like to learn more about this town, in .com we explain how the Maya dressed.

Steps to follow:


Mayan women usually wore long skirts and wide cotton shirts that they covered with colored scarves to cover their shoulders. Many of these shirts were embroidered with flowers and cheerful colors.


The Mayan men wore special trousers they called "patí" with their bare breasts. Adorned always with colors and embroidery giving a touch of joy to your clothes.


The nobility, much richer, wore many clothes and embroidered with stones and feathers to their clothes. In addition, they wore large belts, headdresses, sandals and all kinds of luxury accessories that distinguished them from the lower classes.


They used to use many ornaments on the head, to color the hairs: handkerchiefs, headbands, hats, conical hats, etc.


The higher classes added jewelry and gold to their accessories with which they were always adorned, at any time of the day. They were well known for this particularity.


In special moments in which they celebrated and celebrated something, they used to expand the use of jewelry and their clothing as a sign of reverence. In this way, they increased the use of gold, jewelry and everything they had at hand.

  • In any American history book you can get more information about it.