How to be a ninja

You've seen them in Japanese movies and anime. But what exactly are the ninjas? A real ninja (shinobi, in Japanese) is not just someone who wears black, falls from the roof and cuts everything to pieces. The ninjas have existed at least since the 14th century, when the guerrilla warfare in feudal Japan was turned on the side of trickery, espionage and assassinations - activities that the samurai did not perform because it was forbidden by the Bushido, the code samurai.

The ninjas were employed as master spies, murderers and specialized warriors . While some traditional aspects of the ninja may be obsolete, the principles and techniques are still valuable to anyone interested in ninja art. In this article we give you some tips on how to be a ninja .

silence is gold

Silence is a valuable asset for ninjas. The decision to live by the discipline of ninjutsu is not and should not be public knowledge. Your first responsibility is to learn and practice ninjutsu in secret and in private .

Never say you are a ninja. A ninja must be able to function as a spy, which means he can not reveal his status as an aspiring ninja or else nobody will trust him. Do not dress like a stereotypical ninja.

The black suits that most people associate with ninjas are a construction of the Kabuki theater (although this has not been proven) where the props were always disguised as black to minimize their presence while moving things on stage. When you wear ninja clothes, the idea is that you never let anyone see you with it.

Know the ninja path

Another way you have to know how to be a ninja is to enter the path of the ninja has a series of ideas, moral and philosophy that keep him alive. Most of the ninjas were independent mercenaries who used their skills to support their families. Some ninjas, however, were employed by the lords and government officials. And some worked exclusively for their own clan. The ninja lifestyle was diverse. You need to direct your lifestyle accordingly.

You will have to be an expert in social and physical invisibility. Learn to move stealthily and know the right clothes for the right moments. Do not call attention in any way; Sometimes, that can mean being sociable and friendly because in the modern world a person who silently waits in a corner awakens suspicion and is carefully watched.

No matter where you are, you should know how to get out of the situation more quickly and anonymously (not be seen) as possible. This is a critical skill for a ninja, especially when missions are performed. Historically, smoke bombs and firecrackers were used to create distractions but you will have to devise more subtle techniques, such as starting a fight or turning off the lights.

When you enter a room, you should always be aware of all potential output and have several plans of how you can create a distraction if necessary. As you escape, strive to leave no evidence behind, such as clothing, weapons or fingerprints (wear gloves).

The ninja avoided being tracked with ashiaro or wooden plates used in the sole of his footwear and carved to look like the foot of an animal or the foot of a child, so that the footprints of the ninja were never found. This method was also used in World War II.

Learn to control people through words and nonviolent influence. Use the wishes of people and needs as an advantage against them. Human beings need security, wealth, pride, strength.

A true ninja is a master of his environment and therefore requires self-control. To master yourself, learn to:

  • Cut emotions during decision making.
  • Participate in rational and logical thinking, no matter what the situation.
  • Make tactical decisions that do not disturb your ego.
  • Find the flow of situations and problems.

If you can not control yourself, you can not dominate others or your environment.

Skills, equipment and armament

A ninja is a master of sabotage, infiltration and martial arts. Here is a brief list of the skills, equipment and weaponry at your disposal:

  • Seishin-teki Kyoyo (spiritual refinement)
  • Taijutsu (combat without weapons, using one's own body as the only weapon)
  • Kenjutsu (fencing)
  • Bojutsu (fight with stick and cane)
  • Shurikenjutsu (throwing blades)
  • Sojutsu (fight with spear)
  • Naginatajutsu (fight with naginata)
  • Sui-ren (training in the water)
  • Bōryaku (tactical)
  • Choho (espionage)
  • Intonjutsu (escape and concealment)
  • Tenmon (meteorology)
  • Kusarigamajutsu (sickle with chain)
  • Kayakujutsu (pyrotechnics and explosives)
  • Hensojutsu (disguise and impersonation)
  • Chi-mon (geography)
  • Shinobi-iri (stealth and entry methods)
  • Bajutsu (horse riding)