How to be an alpha male

Being an alpha male is the dream of all men, to be able to feel confident and enjoy a full and balanced life. But to be an alpha male you do not need a concrete body, it's all in your attitude towards life . Being an alpha male is a choice, it is a daily practice and above all, you must believe that you are one to achieve it. But how can it be? In this article we will explain how to be an alpha male .

Be yourself to be an alpha male

Being an alpha male does not mean being a bad boy, it is not about giving orders to everyone or behaving in a way that does not correspond to your personality. It has to do with being authentic, both with yourself and with others. Being an alpha male is having confidence in yourself to know what you want in life and to give way to action safely.

For this you must be aware of yourself, know what your defects and your virtues are. Do not conceal your faults, accept them and live with them, so you can solve them more easily. An alpha male will not cure his loneliness with alcohol or make fun of others to cover up his weakness. He will be aware of what he needs and will become a better version of himself .

Discover in this other article How to feel more secure about myself.

Take the initiative

Imagine that you are in a bar with a woman, man or with your friends and that you feel it is time to leave the place or change the rhythm of the night. An alpha male will take the initiative and could say something like: "Alright, how about we finish our drinks and go somewhere else?"

On the other hand, a man who is not an alpha male will not take the initiative and wait for others to decide for him. You can say more passive things like bored or the place is a roll, but you will not dare to say that you want to leave or take the initiative just in case others think of their criteria. Waiting for another person to take the initiative to take action has nothing to do with being an alpha male.

Cultivate your body and your mind

Cultivating your body does not mean that you must square or mark your muscles obsessively, but if you respect yourself enough you will take care of your diet and your physical condition minimally. An alpha male knows how to take care of himself to be healthy and to feel good both on the outside and inside. It is important to have some exercise routines, know what you eat and control that your health is good.

Also, you can not neglect your mind, you must cultivate your mind whether it is reading, being participatory in cultural and social issues, and so on. You will have to show security in yourself both inside and outside.

Assume that you are an alpha male

You can never be an alpha male if you do not believe you can be it first. It is an attitude towards life and for that, you should want to get it and also feel comfortable with the role of alpha male. Without pretending anything that you are not, simply, show your true self and how you can be a person with initiative but at the same time empathetic and assertive with others.

An alpha male is a good leader of a group, he will know how to lead, earning the respect and trust of others. He is not an arrogant person nor will he think that he is better than others, he will have a horizontal relationship and will always seek to be his best version and help others to achieve it, as a great leader. If you make mistakes you will learn from your mistakes without drama and you know that if you keep trying you will get good results.

Meet in this other article How to be a more empathetic person.