How the vote counting is done

Verification of votes means to carry out the verification and recount of all the votes deposited in the corresponding polls, authorized for this purpose for the election day. It is basically a job performed by those who make up the polling station, with more prominence of the president chosen by lot . They must corroborate the data and at the same time be witnesses that the process has been done well, to give the go-ahead. Doing so is not a paid job and may take more or less time depending on the circumstances. It is very important to do this job well, because it depends on the representativeness is fair.

Steps to follow:


When the doors are closed for the voters, all the members of the polling station get down to work. Anyone can witness this recount, but can not interfere in it and will be a mere observer . The president opens the urn and takes out the envelopes one by one. He opens them and reads out the result of the ballot. Then show the ballot to the other members of the table. The result is indicated and the process is continued.


Votes are valid if they are correct or blank . The votes will be considered null and will not be counted if more than one ballot has been placed in the envelope, if the result is manipulated or if there are other alterations.


Once the count is over, the president reads aloud the final result . All the above is recorded in the vote count . To end the day, a copy of the minutes will be placed at the entrance of the electoral college, and another copy will be delivered to the administration representative.

  • At the national level, the overall results may take several hours, since the databases of all the municipalities must be synchronized.