How the electoral roll is formed

Do you want to know how to conduct an electoral census? What steps are followed to know the number of citizens who have the right to vote in a country? In Spain, the electoral census is permanent and its update is monthly, with reference to the first day of each month. In addition, it is ordered by territorial sections, and each voter is registered in a Section. Registration in the Electoral Census is mandatory, but you will only have to provide your name and your National Identity Document number. Know the operation of this democratic tool following these 5 steps.

Steps to follow:


The Electoral Census contains the registration of those who meet the requirements to vote. The current electoral census is composed of: - Census of Resident Voters in Spain (CER). They can vote in all the processes called. - Electoral census of foreigners residing in Spain (CERE). They can vote in the municipal elections. The CERE includes citizens of the European Union residing in Spain and citizens of the following countries with reciprocal agreements in force: Norway, Ecuador, New Zealand, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Paraguay, Iceland, Bolivia and Cape Verde, States that recognize the right to vote in the Municipal Elections to Spanish citizens residing in their territory. Entries in the CERE of nationals of the ten countries with reciprocity agreements in force will be valid exclusively for elections Municipalities for which applications for registration in the CERE are made. The citizens of the European Union for registration in the CERE must be registered in the Municipal Register and have made a formal declaration about their willingness to exercise the right to vote in Spain in municipal elections.


The Electoral Census is prepared by the Electoral Census Office, a body within the National Institute of Statistics, which exercises its powers under the direction and supervision of the Central Electoral Board. For the preparation of the census, the Office: - Coordinates the process of preparing the electoral census and for this purpose can direct instructions to the City Councils and Consulates, as well as those responsible for the Civil Registry and the Registry of Convicts and Rebels. - Supervises the process of elaboration of the electoral census and for this purpose it can inspect the Town Halls and Consulates.- It controls and reviews ex officio the registrations and dismissals processed by the competent organs and elaborates a national file of voters.- It eliminates the multiple inscriptions of a same elector that does not have been detected by the Town Councils and Consulates.


The main competences of the Electoral Census Office in the electoral processes are: a) Sections, Tables and Electoral Locals b) Current census and rectification of the census in the electoral period c) Sending of census cards) Vote by mail There are the following voting methods by mail: - Vote by mail of electors residing in Spain, requested from Spain.- Vote by mail of the voters resident in Spain who are temporarily abroad.- Voting by mail of voters resident abroad in non-municipal elections.e) Delivery of copies of the electoral census - A Autonomous Communities. - To proclaimed candidacies. - Zone Electoral Boards. f) Voting lists and specific census certifications Once the period of claims has ended, the voting lists that are sent to the polling stations are determined. After this period of claims and until the day of voting, the Provincial Delegations of the Electoral Census Office can issue specific census certifications, upon request of interested parties.


On the other hand, the registration in the electoral census will contain the following information: - Name and surnames.- Residence: province and municipality.- Address.- Sex.- Place of birth: province and municipality.- Date of birth: day, month and year.- Degree of schooling: certificate of schooling or academic degree.- Number of the national identity document. For Spaniards residing abroad, the registration must contain the data expressed in section 1, except those relating to the province and municipality of residence, which in their place will include those of the country and municipality of current residence, and also the following: - Province and municipality of registration in Spain for electoral purposes.- Number of the passport, when it does not have a national identity document. For nationals of Member States of the European Union residing in Spain, the data expressed in section 1 will be included, with the exception of the number of the national identity document, as well as the following: - Nationality.- Manifestation of will to exercise the right to vote active in Spain in the municipal elections.- Manifestation of will to exercise the right of active suffrage in Spain in the elections to the European Parliament and, in such case, the lo-cal entity or constituency of the Member State of origin in whose electoral census was registered last. For nationals of other States resident in Spain, whose respective countries allow the vote of the Spaniards in their municipal elections under the terms of a Treaty or Agreement, the electoral census will contain the data expressed in section 1, except the number of the national document of identity.


The Town Halls and Consulates will present the electoral lists and the Electoral Census Office will send all voters a census card with the updated data. Likewise, it will be possible to access the consultation of the data of the premises and polling stations by Internet, through the web page of the INE, without the need of having a digital certificate.