How to say hunger or hunger

Hunger or hunger? What a common doubt! And it seems that it is a feminine word, but it sounds better with a masculine determinant, what is the correct way to say it? In we want to solve this and many other linguistic doubts, so we explain in detail: how to say hunger or hunger.


The correct thing is to say "hunger" even if it is a feminine word, due to the fact that it is a noun that begins with the vowel tonic A, taking into account that the H is silent and does not pronounce. And is that in these cases, the female article "the" must necessarily be changed to "the" due to pronunciation issues, as long as no other word comes in between .

This phenomenon also occurs in the case of other terms such as "the water", "the area", "the ax", where the determinant is used in masculine, although the adjectives must be kept feminine.


  • The hunger I have is not normal.
  • They joined the hunger with the desire to eat.
  • I have an immense hunger .


In this way, it is totally incorrect to say "* hunger" because of the orthographic rule that we have just explained in the previous section. Therefore, we will use the article in masculine when immediately preceding the term "hunger", but we will have to use it in feminine in the cases in which we find a word between both.

Also, the adjectives that accompany


  • Today I have the same hunger as yesterday.
  • The dreaded hunger reached all African villages.