How political parties are constituted

For a political party to present itself to an election before it must be registered as such . The process involves a series of procedures that must be carried out with the Ministry of the Interior. But the parties are not the only formations that compete in a poll. Coalitions and constituencies can also do so. Learn the differences that exist between them and what process they must follow to be voted on. Photo:

Steps to follow:


Every Spanish citizen who does not have any custodial sentence can stand as a candidate for an election, with some exceptions. The members of the Royal Family and of high instances of the State, for example, can not do it. Article 6 of the Electoral Law regulates this right and establishes certain conditions. But to present yourself to the elections you must be part of : -A political party.-A coalition of political parties.-A grouping of electors.


A political party is an association with legal personality that participates in different elections repeatedly. In order to be constituted as such, the parties must submit a written request for registration in the register of political parties of the Ministry of the Interior . Together with this document must present the agreement of constitution, which must contain the following information: -Name of the promoters of the party.-Members of the provisional governing bodies.-Party social address.-Statutes by which the party will be governed. The presentation of the application and this documentation must be formalized before the Ministry of the Interior by going in person or by mail to: Ministry of the InteriorRegister of Political PartiesC / Amador de los Ríos nº 728071 Madrid


Then, the Registry staff has a maximum period of 20 days to approve and include the political party in its database. Once the training is registered, it can be legally presented to an election.


Political parties can form coalitions and present themselves in a joint election. These alliances are materialized in mixed lists that include members of the different formations that have been allied. The electoral coalitions must be constituted before the electoral board that corresponds in the 10 days following the convocation of the election. The process must be repeated in the next elections.


Citizens can stand for elections constituted in groups of electors . These political associations can not participate in more than one electoral process at the same time and can only be presented for a specific constituency. They must renew their candidacy every time they want to appear in a poll. Electoral groups must formalize their registration with the corresponding electoral board. Along with this petition they must submit a certain number of signatures of citizens supporting their candidacy. They will vary according to whether they are Congress, the European Parliament, the autonomous communities or the municipal ones. Call the Ministry of the Interior to be informed of the exact figure.


The Electoral Law establishes that the candidates (political parties, coalitions and electoral groups) that participate in municipal, regional elections to the Congress of Deputies and the European Parliament must have mixed lists formed by men and women (Article 44 bis) . The total of members of each sex must constitute, at least, 40% of the total of said list.

  • Telephones - Ministry of the Interior: 91 573 12 55 and 91 537 10 43 (for questions of constitution of parties); Central Electoral Board: 91 390 60 00.