How to study for a test type

At the time of facing an exam we can find several types and therefore with several ways of approaching the subject of the study. For example, it is not the same to study for a development exam as for a test type test . While it is true that the first one is more common, not everyone knows how to study for a test type test .

Steps to follow:


In order to understand the difference we must know that for the development exams we use our memory of remembrance . In this type of memory, we make an effort to remember and recall certain material that we have learned.

However, in the test type tests we put into practice the recognition memory . In these cases we operate unconsciously, we must see a signal to recognize the information that will suddenly appear in our head.


Considering that there are two different ways to face an exam, studying for each of them is somewhat different. Thus, for the test type test will not try to memorize slowly the whole agenda, as in the exams to develop. In these, it is more interesting to cover a lot by staying with small details. Keys that at any given moment can give us all the information in front of a question type test. Thus, it is quite interesting to make schemes and summaries in which a keyword develops the whole topic.


It should also be noted that in test-type examinations, in addition to knowledge, there are cases in which common sense and even discarding can be applied. This does not mean that we do not stop studying, but it is obviously an extra help.


When we study a test type test, we must constantly ask ourselves questions as we go on the agenda. In this way we will be prepared for the possible questions that they may ask us about the subject.


Finally, do not forget to do some test-type exams before the big day. Surely we will find tests provided by the teacher. However, if this were not the case, we can talk with some colleagues and each of us create a model. So we will have several examples that we can pass between us.