How to stimulate the social and affective development of your baby

The affective and social bonds of a baby are developed from the first day. The baby has been in his mother's belly for nine months. And later, skin-to-skin contact favors the formation of affective bonds. On the other hand, it must be kept in mind that a three-week-old baby is able to recognize his mother by the smell that comes off. In summary, what we want to tell you is that the first months of your baby's life are very important., because it is a time of great affective and social stimulation . It is for this reason that in this article we tell you how to stimulate the social and emotional development of your baby . This will establish these bonds and affective ties.

Steps to follow:


It is very important to contact skin to skin, so you should try to do it while you look for your baby's eyes.


You have to touch your baby's cheek as if you caressed it with the finger of one of your hands. We recommend you do these caresses before starting breastfeeding, because it is a way to anticipate your baby that you will breastfeed.


You always have to talk to your baby . If he makes some noise or speaks his way, give him time to express himself and then talk to you again. In this way you are establishing the shifts of speech and communication, although at this moment you "speak" different languages.


If your baby is tense, you should hug him in your arms and swing him back and forth so that he relaxes and calms down.


Find times of the day to be alone with your baby, where you can have your privacy without being bothered by third parties.


When you are with your baby, do not do other activities at the same time. Because it is a special moment that the two share. This will help strengthen the child's self- confidence and self-concept.


Give your baby breastfeeding, breastfeeding is the child's first affective experience. And many of the characteristics of your personality will depend on this moment.

  • If the breastfeeding of the baby is maternal, that is to say of the milk of the mother, it is important that the father look for another situation to create that bond with his son. For example the moment of the bath.
  • The pediatrician is the person who should advise you to stimulate the social and emotional development of your baby