How the skin is made up

The skin is the external tissue that covers the entire body. Unlike what many people think, the skin is an organ and is also the largest in the human body, with about 2 m2. It has different levels and in each level there are certain characteristics. Its structure consists of three well differentiated layers : the hypodermis, the dermis and the epidermis. Below we explain in detail how the skin is composed.

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The hypodermis is the deepest layer of the skin. It is also known as subcutaneous cellular tissue or adipose panniculus. It is constituted by a variety of adipocytes or fat cells arranged in lobes, which are separated bundles of collagen and elastic fibers called trabeculae. Fat is a very active metabolic tissue that, among other things, protects the body by providing cushioning and thermal insulation.


The dermis is the middle part of the skin and is the one that has a greater proportion of the skin. The dermis is the part that makes of true support of this organ, its composition is elaborated by a complicated system of interlaced fibers, which contain a substance called "fundamental substance", in which there is a great variety of types of cells.

It is in this part where there are the cutaneous annexes, which are the hairs and nails, and the glandular ones (sebaceous glands and sweat glands). In addition there are also blood vessels that irritate the skin since the epidermis does not contain vessels or nerve endings.

The cells that constitute mainly the dermis are called fibroblasts . Its function is to produce the fibers of collagen and elastin, a fundamental substance that makes the skin smooth, flexible and elastic. In addition, the main substance is among the fibers and is made up of proteins that are characteristic substances of organic tissues, electrolytes, glucose and water.


The epidermis is the outermost layer and is formed by several layers of cells called keratinocytes, which form an impermeable barrier for most substances, protecting us from the entry of external agents. This area of ​​the skin is regenerated every 2 months and its main function is to keep the skin hydrated, protect us from solar radiation and renew the cells.