How to teach a child to have patience

Patience is a quality that children do not usually handle well. The normal thing for little ones is to ask for something and hope to receive it "here and now". However, it is very important to educate children the value of patience to integrate it into their day to day as soon as possible, since in adulthood this is a quality they will need to face life. The easiest thing is to introduce patience through the game and the examples. In we give you some very simple and useful guidelines to teach a child to have patience.

Steps to follow:


You can teach a child to have patience, by example. Imagine that you are in the supermarket line and there are many people, you could adopt the attitude of complaining, of negativity, of going with haste and nervousness. Or, you can adopt another much more constructive attitude : be positive, tell the child that in a short time the queue will end and you can go together to the park or to do an activity that the child likes.


We can also teach the child to have patience through the game : you can teach him to wait his turn . Imagine that you have a game where each party intervenes in order and you have to wait for each one's turn. If your child has fun, he will understand more easily that he has to wait his turn to play with his parents again and continue having fun.


If you are going to travel by plane, it is normal to have long waits at the airport or on the plane itself. In these cases, to teach a child to be more patient, you can take games that entertain you and entertain you so that the wait becomes shorter and above all, so that you see that waiting does not have to be boring, but who can also have fun


A very didactic way of teaching a child to have patience is through stories . You can spend a few minutes a day telling a story where good things happen to the characters who are patient, so that they understand that people with this quality have their reward and that it pays to be patient.


The cause and consequence is usually very effective among the little ones. This means that when your little one gets nervous because he is claiming his father or his mother and he does not answer his call because at that moment he can not or because he is doing another more important task, the father or mother must explain that he has to have patience, that in a few minutes will be with him. After these minutes, the father or mother can give a reward to the child if he has fulfilled the goal of waiting happy, so he will understand that having patience has its reward.


Another of the most educational ways to teach patience to children is through routines . Normally and this is more effective among younger children, when routines are established in a home, children are less likely to be impatient, so they know that after playing with their parents, the bathroom will come, which usually lasts a few minutes. and that after the bath, dinner and bottle will come. If we educate the child in well-implemented routines, we will get more patient children.