How to tell my child that he is adopted

When a couple adopts a child, they are faced with a series of questions that, at times, they will not know how to respond. There is no manual that explains how to be parents, but nevertheless, there are certain guidelines that will allow the father-child relationship to be built on the basis of respect, trust and sincerity. It is common for parents to question whether they should explain to their children that they are adopted or should keep the secret. Experts in the field recommend that children who have been adopted know about their condition, since this will be fundamental at the moment of identity construction. Next we will introduce you, how to tell my son that he is adopted.

Steps to follow:


When. There is no perfect moment, you should not plan what is the best time to talk with your child, because it will never be an ideal time. Some experts in the field recommend that the theme be developed as the child asks the typical questions of early ages about their origin. It is important to be prepared for when that moment arrives, and it is essential to take it as naturally as possible.


How. The information that we will give to our son, will be according to his age. We do not recommend that all the information be provided the first time you ask, since there will be a lot of information that the child must process and it will only confuse him. The child will know when to return to consult about the subject, we should not be surprised if at the beginning, it does not show much interest.


Trust. You must give your child enough confidence so that he has the freedom to ask you all the things that interest him when it seems pertinent. It may happen that you ask the same thing in different stages of your life, this means that you are processing the subject. You must be open and prepared for the questions that you can ask about their origin. It is important that you feel that you can talk to you.


Sincerity. All the questions that you ask about their origin must be answered with absolute sincerity. It is essential that the child knows his past in order to build his own identity. Show yourself cooperative in everything your child wants to know. If you want to find more information about your biological parents, support it. It is essential that you know that you, as parents, will always be with him.


Support for. When children learn that they have been adopted, they often have the fantasy that their biological parents abandoned them because they were bad. Therefore, it is essential to speak with absolute frankness with the child and explain the love that you, as parents, have towards him. Show him your love and explain to him how happy they were when they adopted him. Transmit stability and security.


Reaction. Faced with the news, the child can respond in different ways. In some cases, they tend to have problematic behaviors, sudden mood swings, among others. But stay calm, which is part of the acceptance process. If these behaviors become persistent, consult a professional. Psychotherapy can accompany this process.

  • If you have trouble telling your child he is adopted, consult an expert.