Care for a freshly neutered bitch - expert advice

More and more people are becoming aware of the importance of sterilizing or castrating their pets, because there are several reasons why it is worth doing. It is something beneficial both for the animal itself and to reduce problems such as overpopulation and abandonment and other environmental aspects. However, it is normal to be subject to our hairy to a surgical intervention there are doubts, both to decide and how it will be all later.

For example, something that most people ask is how to care for a newly neutered or sterilized dog, because it is a longer operation and something more complex than a male dog. For this reason, we want to help clarify, with advice from experts, what the care is for a newly castrated bitch and other frequent questions after the operation.

Castrate or sterilize a bitch, yes or no?

It is normal that those who are considering surgery wonder what the risks are, so many veterinarians every day answer questions like "Is it dangerous to sterilize or neuter my dog?". The answer is that the risk involved is the same as any other intervention in which anesthesia is required, both during the process, as problems with anesthesia or with the duration of the operation, and in the postoperative period, such as infections . Anyway, these are existing risks but not usual, so if the dog is healthy, it will be very beneficial for her to carry out the operation. In YES we recommend sterilization and castration.

It is important to know that there are mainly two forms of surgical interventions to prevent a dog, or other animal, from continuing to reproduce. It can be castrated or sterilized to a dog or dog, they are two different things although they are usually used as synonyms.

What is castration

Castration is the operation in which the gonads (testicles or ovaries and / or uterus) are removed. In the case of males, an orchiectomy is performed and in females an ovariectomy or an ovarihisterctomy can be performed. Thus, the hormonal processes of the animal are interrupted completely, irreversibly.

What is sterilize

To sterilize an animal is to leave it without possibility of being able to reproduce or to procreate, being able to use techniques in which the sexual organs are not extirpated, reason why yes they continue producing sexual hormones, like the testosterone and the estrogens. For this reason, the animal will still have an instinct to reproduce and, in the long run, diseases may occur in the gonads, such as tumors, hyperplasias, infections, and so on. Because of this, castration is usually recommended more. In the case of sterilization, a vasectomy can be performed on males or a tubal ligation on females, which will no longer be fertile.

Discover more details about What are the differences between neutering and neutering a pet in this other article.

All the care of a freshly sterilized bitch

If you wonder how to care for a newly castrated dog you have to know that as with the males, but it requires more rest and attention, since the surgery is somewhat more invasive than in dogs due to the situation of the gonads. If you have operated on your dog recently to sterilize or neuter it, surely, the veterinarian will have given you some guidelines to follow. You will have to pay attention to everything that the specialist has indicated, but in addition, we will detail a list of the care of a bitch recently operated by castration or sterilization :

  • Take her in a carrier or cage home: as she may still be somewhat asleep and weak from anesthesia, it is best to take her home in a carrier or cage, in her arms or in the car. Avoid making her walk as it will worsen her condition and, due to the effort, she could even vomit.
  • Avoid touching the wound: place an Elizabethan cone or collar and if the specialist recommends it, put a bandage on the area of ​​the wound. Be careful not to try to bite or scratch the wound to avoid removing the stitches. If this happens, take her immediately to the veterinary emergency department to have them put on again
  • Rest and relaxation: the main thing to recover is to rest as much as possible, in a comfortable bed and all the hours you want. Whether you sleep or rest, it will be good for your recovery. Try to make the atmosphere calm and relaxed. Avoid playing with other dogs for a few days and do not play with it abruptly or walk in excess.
  • Hygiene and cleanliness of the wound: clean the wound as you have indicated the specialist (with saline, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, iodine and sterile gauze), the times the day I told you.
  • That someone is always with the recently neutered dog: it is vital that there is always someone with her to watch over her. So, if something happens, like some point jump or take it away, you can act fast. Also, she will be much more relaxed if you are with her.
  • Feeding for a neutered or sterilized dog: when you no longer have the effects of anesthesia, in the evening or at night, you can feed her. It is important that the first day be very light food and in a small amount. Try homemade or wet food, like a grilled chicken breast without salt, a little special can for convalescent dogs.
  • Prescribed medication: be sure to give all medications prescribed by the specialist, such as anti-inflammatories and antibiotics.
  • Go to the veterinarian if there are complications: if you see a problem call or go as soon as possible to your veterinarian or to the nearest veterinary emergencies, do not wait the next day or a few days to see if what happens alone.
  • Ask all your doubts to your trusted veterinarian: write down all the doubts that may arise and as soon as you can discuss them with the specialist, do not keep them and thus you will take better care of your hairy one.

How long does it take to recover a sterilized or castrated bitch

This is also a very common question among those who decide to operate on their furry companion. The truth is that it depends entirely on whether an intervention has been performed or the other, since castration is more invasive sterilization. It will also depend on the state of health that the dog had before the intervention and if there has been any complication or not.

Generally, in a case in which the dog had a good health before the operation and there has been no problem, it may take to recover completely between 10 and 15 days .

Does a sterilized dog get fat?

This is one of the myths that revolve around the side effects of sterilizing a dog. Indeed, it is a popular belief and it is not true. What really happens is that, by decreasing their need for reproduction, animals that have been sterilized usually reduce their physical activity on their own, that is, they no longer need to leave home in search of another dog of the opposite sex and make long walks for it and no longer mark territory for sexual reasons. For this reason, they do not need a caloric intake as high as before the intervention and, therefore, if they are still fed the same, some may get fat while others do not.

Thus, it is better to adapt the food to the new needs and offer a little less daily calories, such as those found in special feed for sterilized dogs.

Does castrating or sterilizing a bitch change her character?

Another question about the consequences of sterilizing bitches is if they can change their character. Actually, we must qualify, because if sterilized the hormones will continue to function and, therefore, their character will not be altered at all.

On the other hand, if a bitch is castrated, the activity of the sex hormones is removed and, consequently, what changes is its character with respect to reproductive behaviors . For example, if before you marked territory, you ran away from home and were aggressive for reproductive aspects, then you will change their character and behavior with respect to this, since it will decrease a lot or disappear completely depending on the case.

Because of this, his affectionate, protective, sympathetic, loyal, etc. character towards his family will not be affected.

Why my newly sterilized dog attracts dogs

This is a situation that many people find themselves in, whether they have sterilized or castrated their dog. In some cases, it may happen that during the first few days there is a rise in hormones, but also keep in mind that these will continue to work even if the female is sterile, even if she does not have strong increases in estrogen, she will still smell like a female for dogs. smell it.

In case of castration, if it was done when the female was still in heat or very close to it, it is possible that during the first days it still gives off odor. In addition, it can happen that if it has not been done well, there is some residual tissue that does have hormonal function and therefore the dog can go into heat and attract the males and bleed.

Why does my dog ​​bleed if she is spayed or neutered

As we have said, an operated dog could be in heat for several reasons, and if it has been castrated it is possible that the operation did not complete well. Therefore, if it is in heat it may bleed.

However, we must bear in mind that it is the recovery itself, since it is normal for the body to cleanse and to heal well there may be some traces of blood, both from the wound of the belly and the vagina. If it is a pink flow, in principle there is no need to worry, unless it lasts several days. If reddish or abundant blood is seen, then it will be necessary to go to the veterinary emergency.