How to convert minutes to hours

Time is something fundamental in our lives, so much so that sometimes it seems that we lacked hours in the day to perform all the activities that we should or want to perform. If, like many other people, you want to learn how to manage your time, then surely you have asked yourself at some point the following question: How many hours are x number of minutes?, if you find it difficult to make this conversion, then we will explain you in a simple way, how to convert minutes to hours .

There are several ways to perform this simple conversion and a general rule to perform this calculation of time is to divide the number of minutes between 60, this will get the same time but expressed in hours, this is because, as you know, every hour counts with exactly 60 minutes. But there are more methods to get it and then we explain them to you.

Steps to follow:


You can resort to the always faithful method of the rule of three . According to this rule, we must establish a proportional relationship between two elements "A" and "B", on the other hand we have another value that we will call "Z" and another incognito that we will call "X".

If we propose this, we would have it that: A is a B as Z is a X, in this approach X is the value that we do not know, so in a more graphic way we can express it in this way:

A to B

Z to X


To obtain the value of "X", we must perform a cross operation, that is, multiply Z between B and the result of that operation by dividing it by A, staying like this:

(Z x B) / A = X

Seeing it in an example, if we say that 60 minutes (A) is 1 hour (B), then 180 minutes how much X amount of hours will it be?

In this approach the operation would be:

60 minutes to 1 hour

180 minutes to X hours

What we would have left:

(180 x 1) / 60 = 3 hours

X = corresponds to 3 hours

This method is the simplest to perform and you can do it starting from any proportional affirmation of time A and B, always obtaining the real value in hours of the unknown X.


Sometimes you may find that you must perform a conversion that has minutes and seconds . What you must do to solve this is to take the number of seconds and divide it by 60, (1 minute consists of 60 seconds), this way you will get the seconds expressed in minutes. Then to this result you must add it to the original number of minutes you had and ready, you just have to apply the formula explained above about this amount and you can have the minutes converted into hours.

Super simple! But this is not the only conversion procedure that we teach you in, in addition we invite you to consult some articles that are sure to interest you:

  • How to convert miles to kilometers
  • How to convert decimals to fractions
  • Do not have any tools on hand to perform this operation? Do not worry, there are many online calculator tools that will allow you to perform the operation easily and quickly.
  • You do not have access to the internet? It is not a problem, with access to a computer is enough, what you should do is find the application of the calculator, installed by default in any operating system and you are ready, you can make your conversion.
  • Your team does not have the calculator application or you can not find it, it is not a problem either, you can open the MS Excel application or spreadsheet, which should come among the standard programs within your order, in this application you can perform the conversion as if it were a calculator.
  • If you do not have access to any computer, it should not be an inconvenience, if you have a mobile device, you already have what you need to perform the conversion operation, the current (and not so current) mobiles have an integrated calculator. which will serve you well to perform any operation you need.