How to program on Instagram

Are you an Instagram fan? Do you like to publish constantly all kinds of content? Whether for personal or professional use, programming will come great for you to save time and be more efficient in your publications. There are several tools in the market, and we will talk about the most used and valued. From .com, we tell you how to program on Instagram.


The first application that we propose to schedule content on Instagram is Chronogram. It allows you to upload images in a very agile way, with description but without filters. What you must do is to enter Instagram from your personal computer and program the image you want to upload at the time you specify. When the publication time approaches, the tool sends a warning with the image you want to publish. It is available for Android and iOS.


This content programming tool also allows you to program, also modify images and videos to be uploaded from your personal computer to Instagram. It has a complex and elaborate system that integrates your computer with your mobile device. It allows to manage different accounts, and gives access to many users. It is not a free tool, there are 4 versions and all of them are paid . there is a free trial option to enjoy the application for a week, and the cheapest version is the one that costs 13 dollars.


This application is very simple, but no less effective. You can manage different Instagram accounts and even invite more users to administer it and also develop procedures such as the programming of images and videos. You can program several times a day, but it does not let you upload images in batch, besides it allows you to edit the size of the images. Instapult is a free application and available for all devices.


This application is only available for mobile devices with iOS operating system . With Lattergramme you can schedule publications from your computer or even from your iPhone. Only allows uploading images one by one, does not allow uploading in batch. The application sends a reminder message at the time you have programmed the content, so that the images are opened and published. There is a free version and a premium version that costs 9 dollars.

Take off

This application is available for Android and iOS phones, which are synchronized with the service on the computer. Thanks to Take off, you can make publications, which you can edit at the moment or when it comes time to publish them on Instagram. A peculiarity of this application is that it suggests you hashtags in real time just when you receive the notification of programming of the images.