Reasons why a person with character is better

Many of us are already tired of hearing about: What a character you have! o When you put yourself like that, there is no one to hold on to you !, but be calm, psychology is on our side. According to several studies, people with strong character are more successful throughout their lives. In we want to pay homage to all those misunderstood, so below we show some reasons why a person with character is better.

We have to be realists

There are those who think that everything in this life must be faced with a smile . Getting angry and complaining is useless, in fact they think it's a losing attitude. But it turns out that false optimism prevents these people from facing their problems, preventing them from being overcome, and here we appear, the people with character that do not conform or let them trample on us and respond with certainty to the circumstances of life, precisely because that, because we are realistic and aware of what surrounds us.


How many of us have friends who are not able to decide for themselves ? What do they ask us each step they should take? They are afraid of making mistakes that they do not know how to amend later and precisely because of that fear they lose many unique opportunities that come their way. Those of us who have character are also afraid, but what differentiates us is that we know how to face it, we neither paralyze nor block ourselves, on the contrary, we solve problems using creativity and intelligence without stopping to solve difficult situations.

With very clear ideas

According to a study conducted at the University of New South Wales in Australia, people with a worse mood think more clearly and have better memory. Some of us may feel identified with this, do we forget when someone despises us? And is not it true that we are the best thinking about how to compensate? In the end it is not as bad as we thought, because what they say in the study only means that we pay more attention to our environment and that gives us a more prudent thought.

A unique personality

The weak character appears when you let yourself be carried away by society and by prejudices, you finally realize that you have not always done what you most wanted and your opinion has never been heard, but maybe it is too late. However, the most temperamental do not do what does not attract them or stop doing what they like best, because they do not care what they say about them. In addition, they know how to express their opinion, asserting themselves and not going unnoticed wherever they go, which in the long run can open many doors.

If you feel identified, you know, do not ever let them tell you that your strong character is not going to take you to anything. We may not come to dominate the world, but we will certainly improve it. If you are one of our people and you want to tell us why you think our temperament takes us out of many, do not hesitate to write us!