What is the difference between mesh and maya

Mesh or maya ? What is the difference between these two words? The truth is that just changing a letter varies the total meaning of the term. That is why we must know how to spell each of the words and use them properly; so that in you we facilitate the task and we explain what is the difference between mesh and maya.


The "mesh" that we write with "LL" corresponds to the fabric that forms a network through cords or threads crossed or knotted.

This can also be formed by rings or links and build an armor or some other type of defensive fabric typical of yesteryear.

Example: The mesh was broken and all the balls came out through the net of the goal.


On the other hand, when we speak of "maya" we refer to the Indian tribes that today mainly inhabit the Yucatan, Guatemala and other adjacent regions.

Likewise, it can also correspond to the name of a common plant in the meadows with the yellow center and the white corolla or tinged with red.

Example: The ceremonies of the Mayan people are celebrated from time immemorial.