What are the animals that jump the most in the world

There are animals that can jump amazing heights. In this article we are going to enumerate which are the most jumping animals of the planet earth. The heights that we show you in this article are expressed in meters and all the animals are mammals. In this case the human being would be the mammal that jumps more of the planet, almost 9 meters.

The animal that jumps the most on the planet

The puma is the animal that jumps more from the planet earth, manages to jump up to 3.10 meters away in a jump.

Other animals very jumping

Some mammals that manage to jump a lot, usually to get more and better hunting or to flee from their predators, are the kanguro (2.70 meters in length), the impala that manages to jump 2.50 meters and the antelope 1.80 meters.

Small mammals that jump a lot

Some animals such as the squirrel, the gerbil or the coyote manage to jump relevant distances, 0.90 meters, 0.45 and 1.20 respectively. If you doubt they are not great distances but quadrupeds are animals that have difficulty getting great distances in their jump.