How to make a family tree with Word

Are you investigating the origins of your family ? What you need is to create a family tree to make everything clearer and easier to understand. Doing it by hand would be an option, but did you know that you can also create one in a word processor? Too easy! In .com we explain how to make a family tree with Word.

Steps to follow:


Open Word and go to Insert> SmartArt Chart .


A new specific menu for SmartArt will appear . Choose "Hierarchy".


Several models of hierarchies will appear. Choose the one you like best and that best represents the essence of your family or what you want to do.


You already have the template on your document, you only have to edit it. To enter text, place the cursor over the texts that already exist and click to edit them.


To add or delete cells, change them in height or place in the hierarchy, use the buttons at the top of the gray window that has been opened. You can also edit the text directly in that window.


When you have the family tree ready, you only have to save it. If you want to edit format and style themes, go back to the "Start" tab and shape the text as you usually do.