6 things that cats hate

Surely you know very well that your cat loves to scratch under his chin, play with him, prepare food immediately, but do you know what he hates? There are some things that are totally hated by the cats and that, however, we may not have any idea and we are subjecting the cat to a terrible annoyance that puts the nerves on edge. To improve your coexistence in this article we are going to discover 6 things that cats hate that will help you to know your best friend better and to make your life in common be perfect for both. Attentive!


One of the things that most cats hate is water . It is an open truth that most people already know because you just need to try to put a cat under water to realize the scare it takes. But why does this happen? According to different investigations it has been determined that the origin of this hatred is in the evolution of this animal. The origins of cats should be sought in the wild cats of Africa, China and Europe that, above all, lived in desert areas and, therefore, the existence of water was not abundant.

In addition, the topic of hygiene is covered with these felines since they are very clean and, daily, they are washed two or three times to clean remains of dirt that may impregnate the body; in fact, they have a scratchy tongue to be able to eliminate any trace that has remained and, thus, to preen themselves to the maximum.

This is the possible reason why cats hate baths and everything related to water but if you want more information, we invite you to read our article about why cats hate water.

Noises or loud sounds

Cats have a very developed ear, so, one of the things they hate the most is the loud noises or beats that may be at home and that, really, alter and alert them. Think that these animals are always very aware of any movement, noise or anyone who comes close to him, they have a very activated sense to escape from a predator, in the case where it is necessary.

So, if you live with a cat you should avoid putting too loud music, shouting or playing an instrument at home because you can cause stress, anxiety or depression. It is true that, in the long run, you can get used to certain sounds such as the noise of cars or the noise emitted by some appliances, such as the washer or dryer, but, the truth is that you must avoid reducing the noise impact at home to get him to live in the best possible way.

Go in the car

Unlike dogs that love to go for a drive, look at the landscape or stick their heads out of the window, cats detest this practice and, in fact, can greatly alter their state of nerves. Think that, in a general way, they are animals of customs that they like to have their territory controlled and their routine more or less established so any change they may suffer can bring anxiety and nervousness.

Also, do not forget that car rides can get dizzy due to the movement of the vehicle, in fact, many cats end up vomiting by the swing so avoid driving by car and, if you have to go to the vet, try to walk, you he will thank you!

Some smells

Cats and dogs are animals whose sense of smell is very developed although, in the case of felines, they do not have it as potent as dogs but, equally, they have it better than ours. It is for this reason that smells that we find very pleasant, they can be hateful and really annoying.

Some of the smells that most cats hate are cleaning products, some home air fresheners, the smell of coffee, tobacco, citrus, and so on. If you see that your cat sneezes whenever it happens somewhere in your house it is possibly because it is rejecting any of the aromas that there are in that area.

Have your nails cut

Another thing that cats hate is when they cut their nails . Although it is a practice that is highly necessary, the truth is that they get very nervous and it is not at all pleasant. Stray cats do not need to be cut because their life requires them to walk through some land that is already responsible for filing their nails, but, however, domestic cats do require that they be cut, otherwise they can be cut. get hooked in any space.

To avoid cutting them you can install a scraper in your house that he will use to file the nails and, therefore, it will not be necessary to intervene. But if you see that they are still too long then yes it is advised that either go to the vet or you cut them yourself at home. If you want to know how, we tell you how to cut a cat's nails.

Caresses too strong

Cats are very affectionate animals and at different times of the day may require your attention and affection. But you have to be consistent that its size is much smaller and, therefore, its bones and strength is also smaller so avoid the maximum stroking too strong or play with it in the same way you play with a dog. You should vary the intensity and be more delicate .

Keep in mind that these animals are very sensitive to touch, so they will love to be gently caressed, but as soon as you are a bit more abrupt, you will detect how they become aggressive and will try to defend themselves. The reason is that he is not taking it as a caress but as an attack so do not make him nervous and caress him with care and a lot of affection.