How to make indexes in Word

Probably Word is one of the most used programs in the world. We use it for jobs at the institute or the university, to present work reports or to write speeches, exhibitions, documents, whatever! And everything that we expose in this type of documents will be much more orderly and pleasant for the reader if we index it, so in we are going to teach you how to make indexes in Word . The latest versions of Word have made it very easy for us and it is very fast, perfect if you are just on time with the delivery time.

Steps to follow:


As is logical, the first thing you need is to have the written text. In that Word document you will have the titles of each section, subtitles etc., still without format. If you do not have them, before making the index you must make all the necessary divisions in your text.


In the upper right you will see the different styles that each text can have . Now you must decide how each one will be, although remember that you must have a logic: if for the title you use a letter body 14 underlined, you can not use a bold 16 for the subtitles. The style depends on the taste of each one or the indications given to you. You can create all the divisions you need.


If you do not like the styles that appear by default, you can modify them at will or to comply with the indications that we used to talk about before. You just have to go to the styles tab, put the cursor on the one you want to change, click with the right mouse button and give it to modify.


Now that we have the styles ready, it is time to apply them in our text. Thus, we select each title according to its importance and we apply the style to them. You just have to mark with the mouse or hatch the title and click on the corresponding style.

To the section titles you can apply the style "Title 1", to the subtitles the "Title 2", to the sections within this chapter the "Title 3", a different title for the annexes or the bibliography, etc.


We have already done half of the work, now we just need to make the index page . To do this, we will create a blank page and enter it in the Word document, go to "Insert" and "Blank page", and a new page will appear.


Finally go to the Word menu, and in "References" click on "Table of contents". You will see different table models, so select the one you like best or best suits your work, and the index will be added automatically. You have already done the index in Word .


If after reviewing the work you must enter or change titles and subtitles, you just have to give the corresponding format. When you have finished, double click on the top of the index and select "Update table" so that the changes are reflected in the index.

And if you want to know more tricks you can do with this program, do not miss our articles:

  • How to insert a link in Word
  • How to create calendars in Word
  • How to make a family tree with Word