How to format a micro SD card

The micro SD cards are the small sisters of the SD, but in the background they are the same: small flash drives in which we can store all kinds of files. However, sometimes for whatever reason they are spoiled, not allowing access to your files or not letting you save new things. There is usually a simple solution: delete everything and format the card again. In .com we tell you how to format a micro SD card.

Steps to follow:


Insert the micro SD card into the SD-size adapter that came when you bought it, and then into the card slot of your computer. If you do not have it, insert it into an external card reader and connect it to the computer.


Go to Start> My PC and locate the unit corresponding to the micro SD card .


Right click on it and select " Format ".


A window will open in which you have to select the format you want to give to the card. Select FAT32, activate "Quick Format" and click on "Start".


When the process finishes, you can check that the card has been formatted by accessing it: you will see that it has no files inside. Now you can use it again normally!