How to care for a guppy fish

Guppy fish are a very common variety to have in fish tanks and aquariums as a pet, since they do not require too much care and also reproduce easily. They stand out for their color and, especially, for the big tail of the males. If you are thinking of having fish as a pet, we highly recommend this variety. Discover in this article how to care for a guppy fish.

Steps to follow:


To begin, it should be noted that guppies are very sociable fish and that they are appropriate for beginners in the care of fish, since they do not require too complicated care.


Guppy fish are hot water fish, from Central America, so it is recommended to breed them at temperatures between 22 ° C and 28 ° C, with 25 ° C being the optimum. Even so, it should be noted that they are fish that adapt very well to water conditions.


As for the ideal aquarium, it is recommended that fish tanks with filter and oxygenator be used to stabilize the water . The pH of the water should be slightly alkaline, ranging between 6.5 and 8.


These are omnivorous fish that are recommended to feed them in small amounts but several times a day, since their metabolism is very fast.


The guppy fish is peaceful - unlike others like the betta fish - so we can have a group of them in the same aquarium. Although it is noteworthy that they are not very compatible with territorial fish, since the latter prefer wide and quiet spaces, and the active nature of the guppies can break into the territory of more aggressive fish and be annoying.


Regarding the reproduction of guppy fish, it should be noted that they are ovoviviparous, that is, the fry develop in eggs inside their mother's womb. In this way, they feed on a yolk sac and not directly from the mother as viviparous.