How to format an Android tablet

Do you have an Android tablet that little by little has been filled with things you do not need? Or are you just going to give it to someone and you would not like it to be with all your information? For those cases in which you want to erase suddenly all the contents that you have added to a tablet (applications, images, videos, etc.), the most practical thing is to format it and return it to its factory-determined values. That is, to stay as it was the first time you turned it on. How to do it? In .com we tell you how to format an Android tablet.

Steps to follow:


The first step to achieve formatting a tablet is to access the home screen of the device. You will have to go to the Applications by clicking on the button formed by several squares that appears at the bottom of the screen.


Once there, click on " Settings ", its icon is a metal wheel of machinery. Through this option you can change most of your tablet parameters and customize it to your liking, as well as the way to format it.


But before proceeding to the formatting of the tablet, it is important that, whenever you want, keep a backup copy of all your files. For this, you will have to go to the Settings menu and look for the Backup option. In case you want to save the data, you must have previously saved a copy of them.


In this screen, several options will appear and to be able to format your tablet, you will have to click on b and then on Reset tablet. If your tablet is password protected, the system will ask you to enter it. Next, you will have to confirm that you really want to format the tablet by clicking on " Delete all ". Ready!


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