How to avoid being caught on my webcam

There are more and more computers in the houses and we use them more, increasing our vulnerability in the face of attacks, in this case, our privacy. There have already been different cases of hacking webcams, especially those that work through Wi-Fi. It is clear that we do not care enough about our computer security and we are increasingly exposed. Obviously, all webcams usually carry a firmware to ensure consumer privacy, but often it is not enough. To ensure our privacy and prevent them from spying on us and broadcasting recordings, from here we explain how to avoid being caught on your webcam .

Steps to follow:


In addition to installing the corresponding firmware, we must ensure that we have an updated version appropriate to the specific model we have. This is applicable to any device used online.


The webcams usually comes with a password and a user by default, so, once configured, you must change these parameters. It is a very important aspect for the security of the hardware, as well as any device with Internet access.


It is recommended that both the new user and the password be a minimum of 8 or 10 characters, trying to combine letters, numbers and special characters, as well as toggle between lowercase and uppercase.


Normally, hackers attack ports by default, so it would be interesting to change the default port to one in the range of 8100 or higher. This way, you will not make things easy for hackers.


The cameras and other devices with Internet access offer the possibility of observing a list of IP addresses that connect to our webcam. You will be able to check the registries to control that nobody unwanted is connecting.