How to edit a PDF document

PDF documents are practically unavoidable when using a computer for business. After all, most of the files that are scanned end up as PDF documents. This can be annoying, since you can not simply open a PDF and edit it. However, there is a program that you can download, that allows you to edit the text of a PDF and even make additions and / or subtractions to the file. This program is easy to download and use.

Steps to follow:


Start by going to the Nitro PDF Professional website and download the Nitro PDF Professional software ( After you have downloaded the program, follow the instructions to install it. Once you have finished, open Nitro PDF.


Click on the "Open" icon at the top of the program (the folder that is half open). Search and open the PDF file you want to edit.


Click on "Insert and Edit" at the top of the program. Once you have done this, select the "Insert" option, which is found in the "text" icon. This option will have a large "Ti" icon on it.


Scroll down through your PDF and select the text you want to edit. You can also delete the text or add text to any part of the document. To edit the text, click on the part you want to modify. In the drop-down box, select "Edit text . " Then, simply edit the text as you would in any word processing program.


Use the other options at the top of the screen to add graphics, photos and other items to the PDF, if you choose to do so. For the most part you probably only want to change the text of a PDF . However, Nitro PDF gives you the option to add others as well.


Save the document as you would with any word processing document (press Control + "S" or click on the "Save" icon at the top of the program) and it will be finished

  • Note that Nitro PDF is free to use for two weeks. After that, you must buy the program to continue using it.