How to create an address list in Hotmail

Hotmail is one of the oldest and most popular email systems. Created in 1996 and acquired by Microsoft in 1997, it offers innumerable possibilities such as sending and receiving emails, instant messaging, file hosting, etc. That's why in .com we will focus on how to create an address list in Hotmail . This will allow us to save the addresses of our acquaintances without having to memorize them and we can also group our contacts and thus be able to send individual or group emails quickly and easily.

You will need to:
  • An account or email address of (msn)
  • The email addresses that we are going to add

Open Hotmail

If you already have an email address with Hotmail, you will only have to enter your password and access it. If you do not have an account yet, you must register first. Once we are in our account, in the upper left part of the screen we will locate the succession of following words: Hotmail, mesenger, sky drive and msn. We will place the cursor of our mouse on the word Hotmail and we will be shown a new combination of words: inbox, calendar, contacts, send email. We will click on the CONTACTS option .

Enter contacts

In the contacts menu, we will start to configure our address list . This menu is very interesting because it gives us a lot of options, but we will start with the most basic: enter the first email address of our particular list. We will raise our gaze to the top of the screen and there we will see an icon that is a kind of circle with a cross inside and next to it the word NEW. There we must click to introduce our first contact.

Once we click we will enter a window where we will introduce the data that we want to incorporate about the person who is the owner of that address and once we finish we will just have to give it to SAVE. We will repeat this process with all the accounts we have until we complete our list of Hotmail addresses.

Synchronize contacts

In the same menu where we have added our contacts, we have the option to connect our friends from Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Google with our address list. We just have to click on the icon of each of these social networks and connect.

  • Once all the addresses are annotated it would be interesting to create groups