How to create viral content

The answer to the question of how to create viral content is sought by any person or company that wants to promote itself through the Internet. The truth is that many factors converge and that there is no magic recipe. Of course, you can follow a series of slogans to put your website or blog in the way of attracting more visitors. In .com we give you a series of recommendations on how to create viral content.

Steps to follow:


Be original . All the content of your website must be new, in this way you will achieve loyalty to the followers that you already have and attract new ones. What you should never do is copy what already exists on other websites or on your own.


Although you must always take into account the SEO recommendations, create your digital content thinking about the users and not only the search engines. If you do not do so, it is true that the user may find you, but will be frustrated with the content and will soon leave your page.


Get to the point. One of the evils of today is the lack of time. Therefore, the user will appreciate that you tell him what you are looking for in a few words, without making a detour. In addition, this will make it easier for the content to go viral when it is shared easily.


For the same reason as in the previous step, you should write simply and, obviously, without making spelling or grammar mistakes. The content of your website must be well structured, so that it is easy to locate.


Create content that can be useful, this will encourage your faithful users to share it on their websites or social networks, which will multiply its reach. In this line, you must facilitate that your content is shared with plugins designed for it.


Put yourself in the place of the other and think what words you would use to look for what you are offering. There are online tools that will help you in the task. Once these keywords are detected, use them, especially in the metadata of your page.


Videos are the great allies of viral content . If possible, express yourself through a video or use it in a way that complements the content of your website.


This is not easy, but it tries to generate emotions in the user. To achieve this, the best way is to be sincere and natural when it comes to communicating through the Internet, with this you will be able to create quality pieces that can become viral content .