How to create good posts on Instagram

We show you how to get followers on Instagram and how to make good quality photos, now we want to share our secrets so you can create good publications and be more effective in your followers search.

If you still do not know these tricks to create good posts on Instagram, in .com we explain them step by step:

You will need to:
  • An Instagram account.
Steps to follow:


Download applications to improve the effectiveness of the images you post on Instagram, such as Typic PRO (add borders, fonts and faces), Frametastic or NoCRop (to publish the photo in real size).


Look for new filters in other photography applications that respect the quality of your images.


Create content that excites and that allows many of your followers to feel identified, for example, phrases they want to share, funny pictures, and so on.


Do not upload photographs that are not yours: they are repetitive and surely your follower had seen them before, do not use Google Images!


Label or mention others in your Instagram posts .


Add calls to action, that is, invite others to comment or make another move; sure you've seen it many times: "Give a like to the photo if you have also happened"