How to get more subscribers and visits in my Youtube videos

We could assure, without needing to review any page of statistics, that YouTube is one of the most popular pages on the Internet today. The organizers of this can boast of the fact that users are allowed to publish the content they want as long as they respect the copyright. If you are beginning your spread in the world of videos recently, you may find yourself desperate. when it comes to getting more subscribers and visits in your account. If so, in .com we give you some tricks to succeed on YouTube :

You will need to:
  • A computer with Internet access.
  • An account on YouTube.
Steps to follow:


Ask all your friends if they have a YouTube account and ask them to subscribe. This step is the most obvious and, nevertheless, they are usually completely overlooked due to shame or dismissal. Who better than your friends to advertise?


Browse the entire network of the page and find users with similar tastes such as yours, and then add them as friends .


Publish your own videos on your website, blog, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, MySpace ...


Make videos of good quality, fun, entertaining or surprising. The goal is to keep viewers interested. Ask yourself what you would like to see yourself.


Update your account constantly; One of the reasons why people lose interest in some YouTube users is simply because they do not properly track videos. Communicate to your daily visitors the days that you will upload new content.


Place ads in the middle of each video informing all users that, if they liked it, they can subscribe. Make sure that it contains the direct link to the subscription .


Actively participates in the entire social network that is, indirectly, YouTube. Post witty comments on funny clips and a theme similar to yours.

  • Conduct a contest sporadically offering desired gifts for a large audience, such as an iPod Touch.