How to get Instagram effects on my computer

Instagram has become the application par excellence to take pictures with the iPhone or with our Android and share them on the network; However, despite the fact that every day the number of users with an Apple or Android mobile device increases, the truth is that there are still few people who can enjoy the various vintage filters that Instagram offers on their computer.

For this reason, in we teach you now to get the effects of Instagram on your PC step by step, easily and quickly.

You will need to:
  • A computer with Internet access.
  • Photoshop
Steps to follow:


The first step will be to download the data file with compressed filters for Photoshop through this link: //


Once downloaded the file, unzip it. They should appear three files: one called "Help.pdf", another with the name "License.txt" and finally the one that interests us most, " Instagram Photoshop Actions.atn ". Then, save these files in a Windows or Mac folder where you can easily locate them.


Run Photoshop or open the downloaded file "Instagram Photoshop Actions.atn" (Photoshop will open automatically), go to "Window" and then select "Actions". It must appear what we will show next in the image.


Now, simply open the image you want, go to "Actions" and look for "Instagram Photoshop Actions.atn". You'll see that the available Instagram effects are displayed. Select the effect you want and enjoy the filters on your computer!