How to encrypt a wireless connection

Wireless network connections are broadcast in their default settings. That means that any spy can not only receive the radio transmissions used to communicate the network packets, but can also read the contents of the packet. Giving unauthorized users a level of access is a major security risk. However, wireless networks can operate in secure modes - where each computer uses a different encryption key for its own broadcasts. You can configure your wireless network to work in a secure mode .

You will need to:
  • Modem
Steps to follow:


To encrypt a wireless connection, first log in to the wireless access point as an administrator. Different access points require different entry procedures. To start the session, you need to navigate to the web address of the access point (by default it is "") and enter the password manager.


Navigate the access point configuration utility for the encryption network configuration . For example, in a WRT54GS, click on "Wireless, " then "wireless security."


Select the type of encryption you want to use for the network. Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is compatible with network devices, but provides a low level of security. Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) is the most secure in encryption. The selection method varies, depending on the access point. For example, for a WRT54GS, select "WEP" or "WPA2 Personal" from the security mode in the drop-down menu.


Enter a WEP password or a WPA2 passphrase. Make them difficult to guess. A user will need to know the password / phrase to join the wireless network .


Save the configuration. For example, for a WRT54GS, click on "Save options". Your wireless network will use encrypted connections thereafter.