What tests to do in a gymkhana

Do you have to organize a gymkhana and do not know what tests to prepare? Do not lay your hands on your head, because there are many options for which you can choose to have a fun time. Creativity and imagination will be fundamental to invent new challenges, but the truth is that there are many traditional tests with which the competition between teams will be great. Therefore, pay attention to this article and you will discover what tests to do in a gymkhana.

Steps to follow:


When organizing a gymkhana for adults it will be essential that you organize all the participants in equal groups so that the competition is the most close and everyone has the same chances of winning. Likewise, it should be noted that the tests to be carried out may be differentiated between those in which all the members of the group participate - either at the same time or stepwise - or those that are carried out solely by one of the components.


A very common test in all gymkana are races, where teams must show their speed, but also their skill and other types of physical skills. In this way, you can choose from countless tests of this type:

  • Sack races : each person must put in a bag and, holding it with his hands or tied with a string, move jumping to compete against the other participants and reach the first goal.
  • Attached foot races : it is done in pairs and the laces of the left foot of one of the members must be tied with those of the right of the other person to make the competition difficult.
  • Forklift racing : also in pairs, one person should support the palms of their hands on the ground and the other will take him by the ankles to make him move forward. Coordination is necessary to cross the finish line without capsizing.
  • Egg spoon races: one spoon and one raw egg per participant will be needed; they must hold the spoon with their mouths, place the egg on top and make the run without the egg overturning and, consequently, break.
  • Potato races: with a potato on the forehead, both components of the couple will have to advance without falling to the ground.


Another very typical test of gymkhanas, whether adults or children, is to stretch the rope to show more strength than your opponent. Thus, a line should be drawn on the ground that determines the central point of the rope and each team should take one end; At the start order, all the members of the team will have to stretch at the same time with all their strength to exceed the mark of the ground.


You can also prepare fun tests for your gymkana with which, in addition to competing, you will laugh for a while. So, you will need:

  • Two buckets or buckets
  • Water
  • Apples
  • Flour
  • Candies

In this way, you must fill with water a first bucket, basin or any other container and put the apple inside; On the other hand, you will have to pour plenty of flour into another container along with a handful of candies -or some other element such as condoms in the bachelor / bachelor version- and hide them so that they are seen as little as possible.

The test will consist in first getting to bite the apple of the bucket with water (which obviously will sink when trying it) without touching it with the hands and, once achieved without being able to dry the face, the participant should also find with the mouth the candies or hidden objects in the other container with flour. The result will be ... a fun face batter!


Another type of yincana tests are those that have to do with the clothes of the members of the group. So, one of them will be that each team exchanges the maximum of clothes between the different components, in order to thus get outnumber their rivals. It will not matter if the group consists of men and women or that no one is the same size as the rest of the members, there is no excuse to change your clothes!

Likewise, it is also possible to opt for the option of trying to form the longest clothing chain with all the possible garments. In this case, the team that has less modesty and will not care to get rid of the maximum number of pieces will probably win.


On the other hand, they can prepare another type of tests where they take advantage of the musical skills or the skill when making mimic, from those that involve singing songs with the assigned words until the game of the movies. Following this line, a test can also be organized in which a space is delimited and a component of the group is placed on one end, its partners on the other and the opposing group in the middle; the objective will be that the person who is alone says a phrase to his team and the rival shouts to prevent them from understanding it. Although it is a bit scandalous, it is very funny.


Anyway, if you consider it too complicated to prepare all the tests and direct the groups while they are performing them, you can always opt for the task of organizing the gymkana to a company specialized in this type of events. Besides saving time and energy, you can also afford to participate in the gymkhana and have a great time.