What to take to do the Camino de Santiago

Do you plan to do the Camino de Santiago ? In that case, it is necessary to know what to put in the backpack as well as some other tips when walking to make the Camino de Santiago. Therefore, in we help you to know everything you must take on this pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela . Quite an adventure!

Pilgrim's passport

To be able to make the journey you have to have a special passport that is given to each person who wants to participate and is known as a Credential.

It is there where they mark with a seal the different places in which they stay during the night. It is a way of confirming that you are doing everything correctly and without cheating.

We must remember that not only can be done walking but it is possible to do it by bicycle or on horseback. All this is valid to achieve the objective.

Guides and books

It is advisable to read a guide on the different paths that can be followed to choose the one that best suits us. It is important to always carry it with you during the trip so as not to get lost and to be able to continue on the road, always knowing that we are on the right track.

In addition, many of them even have the best hostels to stay at nightfall and with very well illustrated and detailed maps that will undoubtedly help us during the journey.

Carry only the essential

Many people make the mistake of starting to fill their suitcase with food and objects that they will not use later. That alone means more weight to transport and a waste of time and wear. For this we recommend you consult our article on what to put in your backpack to do the Camino de Santiago.

Remember that the ideal is that the backpack weighs a maximum of 10% of what weighs the person who will carry it. It is usually about 15 Kg so you have a notion.


It's a long trip so you should never forget your documentation at home. Before starting check that you have your ID, health card, passport if necessary, etc. And if you plan to walk and return by car remember to take the driver's license!


You'll have to walk in the sun, so you have to protect yourself well. And for that, nothing better than a hat or cap ; try to have the long visor to cover you well.

Pamelas are also very useful in this case, especially those that are caught with a string so they do not fly with a blow of air.

The caps are not very advisable because they do not cover the whole face well and on more than one occasion sunburn occurs in those areas that are left uncovered.


One of the most precious objects for pilgrims. Good socks will prevent you from visiting the pharmacy for some product for blisters.

Take at least three pairs of socks to be changed and not be made of cotton or wool. Choose ones that do not have seams and that allow your feet to perspire well. For example, Coolmax fiber .

Try changing them every two hours and wash your feet well. Of course, it is very important to have your feet well dry before putting on your new socks, since sweat and humidity are one of the main causes of blisters and chafing on the feet during the trip.


You have to walk and walk ... so you can not wear any kind of shoes. Our advice is that you wear trekking shoes . The boots are used a lot too but better not to take the ankle. That's why trekking shoes are ideal, which give total freedom in this area of ​​the foot.

In addition, high mountain boots tend to be too rigid for the terrain through which one passes on the way to Santiago.

And something important is that you have used them before starting the trip, that is, you do not release them for the Camino de Santiago because you will ruin your feet. Take them at least a couple of months before making the road. But do not choose ones from many years ago because they will be too worn out.

When you buy the shoes you have to try them with the socks that you will use in the trip and check that the fingers do not remain tight but loose. Without binding the shoe, pull your foot forward and put your index finger between the heel and the shoe. It must fit well, not to spare or have to make effort to enter. This is the ideal size for your footwear.

It is recommended that they be breathable in summer and waterproofed in winter. You will also need some flip flops, not for the road but for the showers. It is important not to get fungus on the feet.

Walking sticks

The truth is that walking sticks are very useful. Think that they can help you reduce between 30 and 40% the weight that falls on your feet. The trip is much more bearable with sticks or sticks, so we recommend you consult our article on how to choose hiking poles.


You must wear little clothes that are easy to wash and dry to be able to wash what you get dirty every two or three days and avoid carrying a lot of weight on top.

Better to use thermal clothes instead of cotton, to avoid sweating. The more I breathe better and also look light .

Take a jacket with you in case it refreshes and in winter you better use warm clothes like a sweatshirt or a sweater because it is usually very cold. In the same way, it does not hurt to wear a light rain jacket for when it starts to rain because many times the rain catches you in the middle of the road and there are no places to shelter.

Hygiene and personal care

If the shelters you go to have no hygiene items, think that you should wash your teeth and your body every day. So take the toothbrush, the toothpaste, a bar of soap, razor blade, small towel, deodorant, intimate hygiene products ...

Another thing you should not leave at home is the mosquito repellent . The roads are in full nature, and as usual, there are insects and animals that you will find during the trip.


We have said before that you wear a hat to cover your head with the harmful rays of the sun but you also have to protect the rest of the body so cover your body with sunscreen before starting the road and remember to put on protection every two hours Travel in all areas where the sun touches. Discover here how to choose the right sunscreen.

Relive the moment

Although we are between nature and roads you will surely want to immortalize most moments of your trip and call your loved ones to explain everything you are living in this adventure. For this you will need a photo or video camera and a telephone . And something important for the most forgetful ... the shippers !

Remember that you will have to reload the devices at some time in the hostels where you stay if you do not want to stop taking pictures or calls because you do not have any battery left.

It will also be very important to bring a flashlight and compass in case you get lost and it gets dark.

Sleeping bag

There are hostels in which it is necessary to carry a thick sleeping bag because it is very cold at night, and it is better to fill your suitcase with pieces of clothing that multiply the weight, making it harder for you to walk.

If it is winter it is recommended that it be -10 degrees and those of summer + 15 degrees.